CS Releases Muslim Man Sexually Harasses Coptic Woman to Convert to...

Muslim Man Sexually Harasses Coptic Woman to Convert to Islam and Marry Him


28093thebrutalityoffenseinislam Muslim Man Sexually Harasses Coptic Woman to Convert to Islam and Marry HimLisa Nasim Basari, a 28-year-old Coptic Christian girl living with a very few remaining family in Minya province, Egypt, recently made a video descrying the advances of a Muslim man, who has been trying to pressure her to convert to Islam and marry her.


According to her account, Wa’il Hassan Abdul Mu’min, started to appear whenever she left the house, or was walking on the streets he would be there.  He eventually asked her to convert to Islam and marry her—even offering her money—but the Copt refused.


At that point, things took an ugly turn.  Among other things, he attacked and burned portions of the grocery store she worked in, tore her clothes, and sexually abused her.


Lisa eventually went to the local police to make a formal report against him, but, as she explained in the video, the police, far from interfering, actually incited the Muslim man—who appears to be affiliated with the police department—to keep harassing her.  They also imprisoned her for a time and “tortured” her into abandoning the complaint against Abdul Mu’min. 


In the video, she pleas for help that some authority in Egypt would intervene and prompt Abdul Mu’min to leave her in peace.

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Muslim Man Sexually Harasses Coptic Woman to Convert to Islam and Marry Him


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28093thebrutalityoffenseinislam Muslim Man Sexually Harasses Coptic Woman to Convert to Islam and Marry HimLisa Nasim Basari, a 28-year-old Coptic Christian girl living with a very few remaining family in Minya province, Egypt, recently made a video descrying the advances of a Muslim man, who has been trying to pressure her to convert to Islam and marry her.


According to her account, Wa’il Hassan Abdul Mu’min, started to appear whenever she left the house, or was walking on the streets he would be there.  He eventually asked her to convert to Islam and marry her—even offering her money—but the Copt refused.


At that point, things took an ugly turn.  Among other things, he attacked and burned portions of the grocery store she worked in, tore her clothes, and sexually abused her.


Lisa eventually went to the local police to make a formal report against him, but, as she explained in the video, the police, far from interfering, actually incited the Muslim man—who appears to be affiliated with the police department—to keep harassing her.  They also imprisoned her for a time and “tortured” her into abandoning the complaint against Abdul Mu’min. 


In the video, she pleas for help that some authority in Egypt would intervene and prompt Abdul Mu’min to leave her in peace.