“Egypt is ruled by the Guidance Bureau and its members, who have no political vision.”
Regarding the new constitution, Megahed said, “The position of religious minorities in the new constitution is very poor, as the second article, which stipulates that Islamic sharia is the main source of legislations, remains intact, while the added interpretations to this source lead ti the creation of a religious state.”
He noted that Article 219 abolished the Supreme Constitutional Court’s (restricted) interpretation of the application and principles of Islamic law and, instead, states that the principles of Islamic sharia “include its total evidences and fundamental rules, in addition to sources recognized by Sunni doctrine.”
“A religious state aims to turn religious minorities into sects whose members do not enjoy full citizenship,” Megahed added.
“Article 3 of the constitution supports this objective, as it allows Christians to use their own religious laws regarding personal status cases. This article would turn the Coptic patriarch into the political representative of Copts, under a religious state.”
Regarding the absence of other religions from the constitution, he said, “The state intervenes in religious freedoms, which is not its role as it should protect religious freedom for its citizens.”
“The Egyptian revolution uncovered the ideology of the MB and the Salafis, and the people are beginning to realize the threat [these ideas] pose and to aim for achieving stability under a modern Egyptian state. Religion is not meant to achieve political interests, its place is in the hearts and minds of the people.”
Megahed expressed his support for the Revolutionaries Movement’s campaign (“Tamarrod;” or Rebellion) to collect signatures calling for the removal of President Morsi (and hold early elections), saying, “Such a campaign could lead to positive results, the same way as what happened when ElBaradei collected signatures to dismiss Mubarak.”
Megahed emphasized that removing the Brotherhood’s rule is possible, and called upon the opposition to unify and present an alternative political program to rally the Egyptian people.
Edited from http://www.mcndirect.com/showsubject.aspx?id=45707