News Leading Senator: ISIL Is Beheading Children

Leading Senator: ISIL Is Beheading Children


“This could be an American child. It could be a European child. It could be a child anywhere,” the chairwoman added. “This is the mentality of the group that we are so concerned with. They have killed thousands, they are marching on, they have an army, they are well organized.”

Congress voted last week to give the green light to President Obama’s plan to train and arm moderate Syrian rebels waging war against ISIS.

But Feinstein said Congress, after the Nov. 4 election, will need to vote on a broader authorization for use of military force in the war against the militant group.

“We need to deal with this on a more comprehensive basis,” she said.

Appearing on the same show, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) agreed that Congress should vote on full Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). And he said Obama shouldn’t rule out putting American boots on the ground in the fight against ISIS.

“We probably shouldn’t lay out our battle plans,” Rogers said, “but we shouldn’t take anything [out of] our battle plans.”


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“This could be an American child. It could be a European child. It could be a child anywhere,” the chairwoman added. “This is the mentality of the group that we are so concerned with. They have killed thousands, they are marching on, they have an army, they are well organized.”

Congress voted last week to give the green light to President Obama’s plan to train and arm moderate Syrian rebels waging war against ISIS.

But Feinstein said Congress, after the Nov. 4 election, will need to vote on a broader authorization for use of military force in the war against the militant group.

“We need to deal with this on a more comprehensive basis,” she said.

Appearing on the same show, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) agreed that Congress should vote on full Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). And he said Obama shouldn’t rule out putting American boots on the ground in the fight against ISIS.

“We probably shouldn’t lay out our battle plans,” Rogers said, “but we shouldn’t take anything [out of] our battle plans.”
