News Jamaah Islamiya Renews Threats Against Coptic Church

Jamaah Islamiya Renews Threats Against Coptic Church


Abdel Magid said that the church and its leaders will regret it, and that the church made a strategic mistake when it stood against the first elected president. Abdel Magid was referring to the church’s support of the revolution of June 30, which deposed Mohamed Morsi.


In an interview on Al-Jazeera, Abdel Magid said the church leaders will be held accountable for what they did, adding that the coup was headed by a religious minority against the majority, and a minority of corrupt seculars.


Prior to the Morsi ouster, Abdel Magid claimed in an interview on el-Nas Islamic channel on June 9, that, “Coptic communists, extremists, and atheists are calling for demonstrations on June 30,” and warned Copts not to participate in these demonstrations by saying, “Do not offer your children as sacrifices.”


It is worth mentioning that Copts have been subjected to fierce attacks by Islamists since the ouster of President Morsi on July 3 and the breakup of the Muslim Brotherhood’s sit-ins in Rabaa el-Adaweya and Nahda squares on August 14.


The attacks resulted in the burning of 82 churches, 32 of which were completely destroyed. This was in addition to the looting and torching of a large number of Coptic homes and shops in various Egyptian governorates.


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Jamaah Islamiya Renews Threats Against Coptic Church


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Abdel Magid said that the church and its leaders will regret it, and that the church made a strategic mistake when it stood against the first elected president. Abdel Magid was referring to the church’s support of the revolution of June 30, which deposed Mohamed Morsi.


In an interview on Al-Jazeera, Abdel Magid said the church leaders will be held accountable for what they did, adding that the coup was headed by a religious minority against the majority, and a minority of corrupt seculars.


Prior to the Morsi ouster, Abdel Magid claimed in an interview on el-Nas Islamic channel on June 9, that, “Coptic communists, extremists, and atheists are calling for demonstrations on June 30,” and warned Copts not to participate in these demonstrations by saying, “Do not offer your children as sacrifices.”


It is worth mentioning that Copts have been subjected to fierce attacks by Islamists since the ouster of President Morsi on July 3 and the breakup of the Muslim Brotherhood’s sit-ins in Rabaa el-Adaweya and Nahda squares on August 14.


The attacks resulted in the burning of 82 churches, 32 of which were completely destroyed. This was in addition to the looting and torching of a large number of Coptic homes and shops in various Egyptian governorates.