News Islamist Regime Intends to Rid Egypt of Copts and...

Islamist Regime Intends to Rid Egypt of Copts and Sufis


Azaym told MCN that militant Islamists kidnap underage Coptic girls and force them to marry Muslim men, as the lack of law enforcement in such cases encourages them to continue unabated.

Azaym pointed out that militants change girls’ official records to appear as if they’ve attained legal maturity age in order to be possible to marry Muslim men without having to be returned to their families. Sometimes they kidnap girls, marry them to Muslim men and allow them to reappear only after they reach the legal age. This way, families are deprived the ability to reclaim their girls.

According to Azaym, the state encourages these crimes committed against Coptic girls. “The Islamic rule in Egypt patronizes the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice group, and sponsors aggression against Copts.”

He stressed that Islamic movements know that they will not be held accountable for their crimes because the regime supports them. This explains why Salafi sheikhs continue to insult non-Muslims on satellite channels and accuse them of being infidels, while the regime keeps silent.

Azaym explained that the idea behind establishing the “Egyptian League” came as a result of what is happening in Egypt. He referred to the burning and destruction of churches, demolition of Sufi shrines, and oppression under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood as just some of the occurrences.

Azaym said that Egypt is experiencing unprecedented attempts to sow seeds of discord among its people, serving as a threat to national unity.

The Sufi sheikh explained that the role of the League is to hold meetings to foster national unity, educate the public, and establish charity projects where both Muslims and Copts help the community and the poor. The League also seeks to find practical solutions to Egypt’s problems by forming fact-finding committees, which would be charged with providing appropriate solutions to political or social crises.

“The League’s board consists of members from across the spectrum of Egyptian society. It includes representatives from parties and political movement. The board also includes Muslim and Coptic religious figures, political figures, writers, intellectuals, artists and journalists,” Azaym added.

Azaym said the situation of Copts deteriorated after the revolution and became even worse after the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists seized power. These groups and their supporters attack Copts and Sufis and demolish churches and shrines.

Azaym pointed out that such attacks are part of plan financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia to sabotage Egypt. These countries supply Salafis with money to spread chaos in Egypt and eliminate their opponents.

“The Wahhabi ideology that does not accept the ‘other’ has spread throughout Egypt dramatically, and it considers Copts and Sufis polytheists. Consequently, it is permissible to shed their blood and vandalize their churches and property,” Azaym said. He noted that these Islamic movements believe Copts are enemies, not homeland partners.

It is noteworthy that the Azmiya is a Sufi Muslim order that was founded in 1934. The Order preaches moderation and can be found in Cairo and throughout Egypt’s different governorates.


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Azaym told MCN that militant Islamists kidnap underage Coptic girls and force them to marry Muslim men, as the lack of law enforcement in such cases encourages them to continue unabated.

Azaym pointed out that militants change girls’ official records to appear as if they’ve attained legal maturity age in order to be possible to marry Muslim men without having to be returned to their families. Sometimes they kidnap girls, marry them to Muslim men and allow them to reappear only after they reach the legal age. This way, families are deprived the ability to reclaim their girls.

According to Azaym, the state encourages these crimes committed against Coptic girls. “The Islamic rule in Egypt patronizes the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice group, and sponsors aggression against Copts.”

He stressed that Islamic movements know that they will not be held accountable for their crimes because the regime supports them. This explains why Salafi sheikhs continue to insult non-Muslims on satellite channels and accuse them of being infidels, while the regime keeps silent.

Azaym explained that the idea behind establishing the “Egyptian League” came as a result of what is happening in Egypt. He referred to the burning and destruction of churches, demolition of Sufi shrines, and oppression under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood as just some of the occurrences.

Azaym said that Egypt is experiencing unprecedented attempts to sow seeds of discord among its people, serving as a threat to national unity.

The Sufi sheikh explained that the role of the League is to hold meetings to foster national unity, educate the public, and establish charity projects where both Muslims and Copts help the community and the poor. The League also seeks to find practical solutions to Egypt’s problems by forming fact-finding committees, which would be charged with providing appropriate solutions to political or social crises.

“The League’s board consists of members from across the spectrum of Egyptian society. It includes representatives from parties and political movement. The board also includes Muslim and Coptic religious figures, political figures, writers, intellectuals, artists and journalists,” Azaym added.

Azaym said the situation of Copts deteriorated after the revolution and became even worse after the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists seized power. These groups and their supporters attack Copts and Sufis and demolish churches and shrines.

Azaym pointed out that such attacks are part of plan financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia to sabotage Egypt. These countries supply Salafis with money to spread chaos in Egypt and eliminate their opponents.

“The Wahhabi ideology that does not accept the ‘other’ has spread throughout Egypt dramatically, and it considers Copts and Sufis polytheists. Consequently, it is permissible to shed their blood and vandalize their churches and property,” Azaym said. He noted that these Islamic movements believe Copts are enemies, not homeland partners.

It is noteworthy that the Azmiya is a Sufi Muslim order that was founded in 1934. The Order preaches moderation and can be found in Cairo and throughout Egypt’s different governorates.


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