News Islamic State Leader Al-Baghdadi Issues Call to Arms to...

Islamic State Leader Al-Baghdadi Issues Call to Arms to All Muslims



The link to the speech, on, was disseminated by ISIS supporters via Twitter.


Below is a summary of Al-Baghdadi's speech, followed by the English translation of it provided by ISIS.


Al-Baghdadi begins his speech with an introduction replete with Koranic quotes stressing the importance and obligation of fighting the enemies of Islam and dying as a martyr for it. Citing the example of the Prophet Muhammad, who, Al-Baghdadi says, waged jihad throughout his entire life, he stresses that jihad and fighting are obligatory for every Muslim. Al-Baghdadi adds that participation in battle and willingness to die for Allah are aimed at testing the believers and rewarding them.


He then goes on to attack the enemies of Islam, whom he identifies mainly as the Christians and the Jews, quoting scripture in order to emphasize that they are perpetual foes of the Muslims who wish to harm them and to cause them to leave their religion. Urging all Muslims to join the Islamic State in its battles, he says that its enemies are in fact the enemies of all Muslims, as the Islamic State is but the "spearhead" in this war. "The Crusaders," i.e. the Western powers, will soon target all Muslims, he claimed.


Bluntly underscoring his call to arms and his statement that actively supporting ISIS in its war is obligatory, he states that Islam is not a religion of peace, but rather "Islam is the religion of war."


Next, Al-Baghdadi lashes out at the regimes and rulers of the Arab and Islamic countries, accusing them of being nothing but the slaves of the Western powers, which he says use them to oppress the Muslim peoples. He speaks at length against Saudi Arabia, pointing at the Saudi monarchy as one of his archenemies. Calling the Saudi royal family allies of the Christians and the Jews, he says they are traitors to Islam. He taunts the Saudis, saying that their longtime ally, the U.S., has exchanged them for Iran. In their frustration, he says, the Saudis launched an attack on the Shi'ites in Yemen, the Iranian-backed Houthis. This, he says, is hypocrisy, since the Saudis have never done a thing to assist downtrodden Muslims elsewhere, from Syria to Burma to Africa, and, most prominently, in Palestine.


Saudi Arabia's Operation Decisive Storm is nothing but the "kick of a dying man" aimed at regaining the appreciation of its masters in the U.S., he says, and urges the Sunnis to see the Saudis for their true traitorous nature and to understand that their only defender is the Islamic State.


Al-Baghdadi also talks about the situation in Anbar province in Iraq, calling upon its Sunni residents to return to their lands and villages and to embrace Islamic State rule.


In the final part of his speech, Al-Baghdadi addresses the Islamic State fighters. Beginning with those in Iraq, to whom he speaks at length, he calls on them to be steadfast and strong and to persist in their fighting, and praises them for their achievements in the war against the Iraqi government forces and the Shi'ite militias.


He also addresses Islamic State soldiers in the other countries, beginning those in the Sinai province;  these he commends for striking fear amongst the Jews and expresses his hope to meet them in Jerusalem "very soon." Praising Islamic State fighters in the various areas of Syria, in Libya, and in Algeria and Tunisia, he gives special mention to those in two new Islamic State provinces – Khurasan, that is, Afghanistan/Pakistan, and West Africa. Another special mention is given to the Islamic State fighters in Yemen, whom he congratulates on their recent advances against the Shi'ites.




This report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Islamic State Leader Al-Baghdadi Issues Call to Arms to All Muslims


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The link to the speech, on, was disseminated by ISIS supporters via Twitter.


Below is a summary of Al-Baghdadi's speech, followed by the English translation of it provided by ISIS.


Al-Baghdadi begins his speech with an introduction replete with Koranic quotes stressing the importance and obligation of fighting the enemies of Islam and dying as a martyr for it. Citing the example of the Prophet Muhammad, who, Al-Baghdadi says, waged jihad throughout his entire life, he stresses that jihad and fighting are obligatory for every Muslim. Al-Baghdadi adds that participation in battle and willingness to die for Allah are aimed at testing the believers and rewarding them.


He then goes on to attack the enemies of Islam, whom he identifies mainly as the Christians and the Jews, quoting scripture in order to emphasize that they are perpetual foes of the Muslims who wish to harm them and to cause them to leave their religion. Urging all Muslims to join the Islamic State in its battles, he says that its enemies are in fact the enemies of all Muslims, as the Islamic State is but the "spearhead" in this war. "The Crusaders," i.e. the Western powers, will soon target all Muslims, he claimed.


Bluntly underscoring his call to arms and his statement that actively supporting ISIS in its war is obligatory, he states that Islam is not a religion of peace, but rather "Islam is the religion of war."


Next, Al-Baghdadi lashes out at the regimes and rulers of the Arab and Islamic countries, accusing them of being nothing but the slaves of the Western powers, which he says use them to oppress the Muslim peoples. He speaks at length against Saudi Arabia, pointing at the Saudi monarchy as one of his archenemies. Calling the Saudi royal family allies of the Christians and the Jews, he says they are traitors to Islam. He taunts the Saudis, saying that their longtime ally, the U.S., has exchanged them for Iran. In their frustration, he says, the Saudis launched an attack on the Shi'ites in Yemen, the Iranian-backed Houthis. This, he says, is hypocrisy, since the Saudis have never done a thing to assist downtrodden Muslims elsewhere, from Syria to Burma to Africa, and, most prominently, in Palestine.


Saudi Arabia's Operation Decisive Storm is nothing but the "kick of a dying man" aimed at regaining the appreciation of its masters in the U.S., he says, and urges the Sunnis to see the Saudis for their true traitorous nature and to understand that their only defender is the Islamic State.


Al-Baghdadi also talks about the situation in Anbar province in Iraq, calling upon its Sunni residents to return to their lands and villages and to embrace Islamic State rule.


In the final part of his speech, Al-Baghdadi addresses the Islamic State fighters. Beginning with those in Iraq, to whom he speaks at length, he calls on them to be steadfast and strong and to persist in their fighting, and praises them for their achievements in the war against the Iraqi government forces and the Shi'ite militias.


He also addresses Islamic State soldiers in the other countries, beginning those in the Sinai province;  these he commends for striking fear amongst the Jews and expresses his hope to meet them in Jerusalem "very soon." Praising Islamic State fighters in the various areas of Syria, in Libya, and in Algeria and Tunisia, he gives special mention to those in two new Islamic State provinces – Khurasan, that is, Afghanistan/Pakistan, and West Africa. Another special mention is given to the Islamic State fighters in Yemen, whom he congratulates on their recent advances against the Shi'ites.




This report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.