News Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) Forces Poll...

Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) Forces Poll Tax (Jizya) On Christians Of Al-Raqqa/Syria


In a statement dated February 23, 2014, that ISIS published in the city, the organization said that it posed three alternatives to Christians who had fled Al-Raqqa, but now sought to return:

  1. 1.Convert to Islam
  2. 2.Accept the conditionsdhimma
  3. 3.Reject these offers and face war

The statement claimed the agreement to sign the pact was reached at a meeting between representatives of ISIS and the Christian community.

The pact’s wording and clauses follow dhimma pacts made by medieval Islamic states, with a few modifications that take consideration of modern developments, such as the ban on using megaphones to broadcast prayers. The text opens with a polemic against Christianity, quoting Quranic verses claiming Islam’s superiority over Christianity and the veracity of Islamic theological positions.

It then states: “This is the protection that Abdallah Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the commander of the faithful, granted the Christians of Al-Raqqa. He granted security to their lives, their property, their churches and their progeny in Al-Raqqa. Their churches and their surroundings will not be destroyed or harmed, nor will their property. They will not be coerced with regard to their religion [i.e. they will not be forced to convert to Islam], and none of them will be harmed.”

The pact incorporates the following restrictions on the Christians:

  1. 1.They are forbidden to build new churches or rebuild destroyed ones.
  2. 2.They must not showcase crosses or religious books, and they are forbidden to use megaphones to broadcast their prayers.
  3. 3.They must not read their books out loud in front of Muslims or sound their bells.
  4. 4.They must not carry out any hostile actions against ISIS, or provide refuge to spies or persons wanted by ISIS. They must inform ISIS of any “conspiracy” against it.
  5. 5.They must refrain from any display of worship outside their church.
  6. 6.They may not prevent any member of their community from converting to Islam.
  7. 7.They must honor Islam and the Muslims, and not offend their religion in any way.
  8. 8.The Christians committed to pay a poll tax of “4 golden dinars” i.e. 17 grams of gold for the wealthy, 8.5 for middle income owners, and half of that for the poor.
  9. 9.They are forbidden to carry weapons.
  10. 10.They are forbidden to sell pork or wine to the Muslims or publicly consume them.
  11. 11.They must comply with any additional restrictions that ISIS may impose on their dress, trade or other matters.

In conclusion ISIS stated that as long as the Christians comply with these restrictions they will be protected. If they violate them, they will be treated as enemies

Sources:, February 26, 2014.


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) Forces Poll Tax (Jizya) On Christians Of Al-Raqqa/Syria


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In a statement dated February 23, 2014, that ISIS published in the city, the organization said that it posed three alternatives to Christians who had fled Al-Raqqa, but now sought to return:

  1. 1.Convert to Islam
  2. 2.Accept the conditionsdhimma
  3. 3.Reject these offers and face war

The statement claimed the agreement to sign the pact was reached at a meeting between representatives of ISIS and the Christian community.

The pact’s wording and clauses follow dhimma pacts made by medieval Islamic states, with a few modifications that take consideration of modern developments, such as the ban on using megaphones to broadcast prayers. The text opens with a polemic against Christianity, quoting Quranic verses claiming Islam’s superiority over Christianity and the veracity of Islamic theological positions.

It then states: “This is the protection that Abdallah Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the commander of the faithful, granted the Christians of Al-Raqqa. He granted security to their lives, their property, their churches and their progeny in Al-Raqqa. Their churches and their surroundings will not be destroyed or harmed, nor will their property. They will not be coerced with regard to their religion [i.e. they will not be forced to convert to Islam], and none of them will be harmed.”

The pact incorporates the following restrictions on the Christians:

  1. 1.They are forbidden to build new churches or rebuild destroyed ones.
  2. 2.They must not showcase crosses or religious books, and they are forbidden to use megaphones to broadcast their prayers.
  3. 3.They must not read their books out loud in front of Muslims or sound their bells.
  4. 4.They must not carry out any hostile actions against ISIS, or provide refuge to spies or persons wanted by ISIS. They must inform ISIS of any “conspiracy” against it.
  5. 5.They must refrain from any display of worship outside their church.
  6. 6.They may not prevent any member of their community from converting to Islam.
  7. 7.They must honor Islam and the Muslims, and not offend their religion in any way.
  8. 8.The Christians committed to pay a poll tax of “4 golden dinars” i.e. 17 grams of gold for the wealthy, 8.5 for middle income owners, and half of that for the poor.
  9. 9.They are forbidden to carry weapons.
  10. 10.They are forbidden to sell pork or wine to the Muslims or publicly consume them.
  11. 11.They must comply with any additional restrictions that ISIS may impose on their dress, trade or other matters.

In conclusion ISIS stated that as long as the Christians comply with these restrictions they will be protected. If they violate them, they will be treated as enemies

Sources:, February 26, 2014.
