CS Releases Help Persecuted Christians and Minorities Today!

Help Persecuted Christians and Minorities Today!


situation of iraqi christians is grave facts ca1 Help Persecuted Christians and Minorities Today! These are trying times for Copts and other religious minorities in their indigenous homelands. Coptic Solidarity is working at the forefront to bring greater attention to the genocide of Christians, Yazidis, and others in Iraq. But we need more partners to continue our efforts.

In June, Coptic Solidarity hosted our 5th Annual Conference in Washington, DC, partnering with MECHRIC and representatives of religious minorities throughout the Middle East and North Africa raising awareness of the situation of Copts and the threat ISIS posed to Iraqi minorities.

 Shortly after our conference, the Friends of Egypt Caucus was founded by several US Representatives, several of whom spoke at our conference. We were told repeatedly by legislators, speakers, and participants how important and helpful this conference was for creating awareness and action.

As ISIS attacks increased against Christians, Coptic Solidarity co-hosted a rally in front of the White House with MECHRIC. Shortly thereafter, we co-hosted a rally on behalf of persecuted Yazidis in Iraq.  We have marshalled all of our resources to create awareness in the media, through rallies, and events.  

But our resources are limited, which is why I am writing today to ask for your help.  Hosting our annual conference and maintaining a consistent public voice is very costly. Coptic Solidarity is unique in that we are primarily funded through our members and annual membership fees.  Also, the Coptic Solidarity leadership are the largest source of our funding. In addition to practicing impeccable accounting, the Coptic Solidarity leadership have also opted to pay for all their own travel expenses for Board meetings and conferences.  This sacrificial commitment is not at all common in the non-profit industry, but demonstrates the integrity of our organization to use every penny to furthering the cause of Copts and other minorities in the region. 

Will you join us to increase our voice and ability to advocate for our brothers and sisters facing genocide?  A one -time contribution or recurring gift of any size will greatly assist our efforts. 

We also invite you to become a member of Coptic Solidarity. Learn more about membership>>

Thank you for standing with us,


Lindsay Vessey is Coptic Solidarity’s Director of Advocacy & Development


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Help Persecuted Christians and Minorities Today!


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situation of iraqi christians is grave facts ca1 Help Persecuted Christians and Minorities Today! These are trying times for Copts and other religious minorities in their indigenous homelands. Coptic Solidarity is working at the forefront to bring greater attention to the genocide of Christians, Yazidis, and others in Iraq. But we need more partners to continue our efforts.

In June, Coptic Solidarity hosted our 5th Annual Conference in Washington, DC, partnering with MECHRIC and representatives of religious minorities throughout the Middle East and North Africa raising awareness of the situation of Copts and the threat ISIS posed to Iraqi minorities.

 Shortly after our conference, the Friends of Egypt Caucus was founded by several US Representatives, several of whom spoke at our conference. We were told repeatedly by legislators, speakers, and participants how important and helpful this conference was for creating awareness and action.

As ISIS attacks increased against Christians, Coptic Solidarity co-hosted a rally in front of the White House with MECHRIC. Shortly thereafter, we co-hosted a rally on behalf of persecuted Yazidis in Iraq.  We have marshalled all of our resources to create awareness in the media, through rallies, and events.  

But our resources are limited, which is why I am writing today to ask for your help.  Hosting our annual conference and maintaining a consistent public voice is very costly. Coptic Solidarity is unique in that we are primarily funded through our members and annual membership fees.  Also, the Coptic Solidarity leadership are the largest source of our funding. In addition to practicing impeccable accounting, the Coptic Solidarity leadership have also opted to pay for all their own travel expenses for Board meetings and conferences.  This sacrificial commitment is not at all common in the non-profit industry, but demonstrates the integrity of our organization to use every penny to furthering the cause of Copts and other minorities in the region. 

Will you join us to increase our voice and ability to advocate for our brothers and sisters facing genocide?  A one -time contribution or recurring gift of any size will greatly assist our efforts. 

We also invite you to become a member of Coptic Solidarity. Learn more about membership>>

Thank you for standing with us,


Lindsay Vessey is Coptic Solidarity’s Director of Advocacy & Development