News El-Sissi Gives Sign of Presidential Run

El-Sissi Gives Sign of Presidential Run


El-Sissi is considered almost certain to win if he runs for president, riding on a wave of popular fervor since he ousted the country’s president, Islamist Mohammed Morsi, who had faced massive protests demanding his removal after a year in office.

Since the ouster last summer, a heated anti-Islamist and nationalist media campaign has fanned support for el-Sissi, touting him as the nation’s savior. For weeks, pro-military media have been saying the field marshal will announce his candidacy imminently.

El-Sissi’s speech to military cadets and their families during a graduation ceremony, later aired on state TV, appeared aimed at explaining to nervous supporters why he has not yet made an official announcement amid the widespread expectations — while laying out what is likely to be a theme of his campaign, that Egyptians must take responsibility for restoring stability and rebuilding the economy.

He virtually confirmed he intends to run. “Don’t imagine that anyone who truly loves his country and loves the Egyptians, can ever turn his back on them when he finds there is a desire by many of them. No one can do that,” he said, to applause from the audience.

He said he could not openly declare his candidacy since he still holds the post of defense minister. “Let us leave things for the coming days,” he said, hinting that he was waiting for the interim president to issue a law governing the presidential vote. The vote is to be held by the end of April.

“I spoke in signs so that people don’t get confused” amid much speculation, el-Sissi said. “I hope you all got the sign.”

His call for unity reflected the daunting problems he would face if he becomes president.

“Don’t imagine that any one person can solve the problems in Egypt, regardless of who it is you select. No, it will be solved by all of us,” he said. “Don’t imagine that the problems accumulated for over 30 years, can be solved without us joining hands.”

In an implicit call to Morsi supporters to end their protests, he said, “Maybe eight months (since Morsi’s ouster) is a time to start to review and reconsider. … Look around you to see if what is happening pleases God.”

“Egyptians, you need to put your hands together to avert a real danger for Egypt,” he said.

Over the past weeks, the 59-year-old U.S.-trained army chief has been increasingly acting in a presidential fashion, most notably a visit last month to Russia, where he secured the Kremlin’s blessing for his likely presidential bid.

Last week, his wife made her first public appearance: Intisar el-Sissi was seated next to him during a ceremony honoring senior officers.

Posters of el-Sissi next to a lion are plastered on walls and hoisted on lampposts across much of the country. Songs praising the military and el-Sissi are played on radio and blare from coffee shops. Supporters often tout him as the new Gamal Abdel-Nasser, the legendary Arab nationalist who ruled in 1950s and 1960s.

The law governing the upcoming presidential vote was given on Tuesday to the Cabinet for consultations, after which it will be given to interim President Adly Mansour to issue.

Ali Awad, the president legal adviser, said that one article in the new law provides that if only one candidate runs, the vote will be a referendum on the candidate. Another article would allow for the results of the voting to be appealed if a complaint is filed within a week of their announcement. Awad said the articles will still be debated by the Cabinet.


Associated Press reporters Sarah El Deeb in Cairo and Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City contributed to this report.

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?s=96&d=mm&r=g El-Sissi Gives Sign of Presidential Run


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El-Sissi is considered almost certain to win if he runs for president, riding on a wave of popular fervor since he ousted the country’s president, Islamist Mohammed Morsi, who had faced massive protests demanding his removal after a year in office.

Since the ouster last summer, a heated anti-Islamist and nationalist media campaign has fanned support for el-Sissi, touting him as the nation’s savior. For weeks, pro-military media have been saying the field marshal will announce his candidacy imminently.

El-Sissi’s speech to military cadets and their families during a graduation ceremony, later aired on state TV, appeared aimed at explaining to nervous supporters why he has not yet made an official announcement amid the widespread expectations — while laying out what is likely to be a theme of his campaign, that Egyptians must take responsibility for restoring stability and rebuilding the economy.

He virtually confirmed he intends to run. “Don’t imagine that anyone who truly loves his country and loves the Egyptians, can ever turn his back on them when he finds there is a desire by many of them. No one can do that,” he said, to applause from the audience.

He said he could not openly declare his candidacy since he still holds the post of defense minister. “Let us leave things for the coming days,” he said, hinting that he was waiting for the interim president to issue a law governing the presidential vote. The vote is to be held by the end of April.

“I spoke in signs so that people don’t get confused” amid much speculation, el-Sissi said. “I hope you all got the sign.”

His call for unity reflected the daunting problems he would face if he becomes president.

“Don’t imagine that any one person can solve the problems in Egypt, regardless of who it is you select. No, it will be solved by all of us,” he said. “Don’t imagine that the problems accumulated for over 30 years, can be solved without us joining hands.”

In an implicit call to Morsi supporters to end their protests, he said, “Maybe eight months (since Morsi’s ouster) is a time to start to review and reconsider. … Look around you to see if what is happening pleases God.”

“Egyptians, you need to put your hands together to avert a real danger for Egypt,” he said.

Over the past weeks, the 59-year-old U.S.-trained army chief has been increasingly acting in a presidential fashion, most notably a visit last month to Russia, where he secured the Kremlin’s blessing for his likely presidential bid.

Last week, his wife made her first public appearance: Intisar el-Sissi was seated next to him during a ceremony honoring senior officers.

Posters of el-Sissi next to a lion are plastered on walls and hoisted on lampposts across much of the country. Songs praising the military and el-Sissi are played on radio and blare from coffee shops. Supporters often tout him as the new Gamal Abdel-Nasser, the legendary Arab nationalist who ruled in 1950s and 1960s.

The law governing the upcoming presidential vote was given on Tuesday to the Cabinet for consultations, after which it will be given to interim President Adly Mansour to issue.

Ali Awad, the president legal adviser, said that one article in the new law provides that if only one candidate runs, the vote will be a referendum on the candidate. Another article would allow for the results of the voting to be appealed if a complaint is filed within a week of their announcement. Awad said the articles will still be debated by the Cabinet.


Associated Press reporters Sarah El Deeb in Cairo and Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City contributed to this report.

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