News Egyptian Masses to US: “Stop Supporting Egypt’s Terrorist Regime”

Egyptian Masses to US: “Stop Supporting Egypt’s Terrorist Regime”


Egyptians that first flocked to the streets in record numbers on Sunday, June 30, to demand the ouster of Islamist president Morsi have begun to voice their rising anger over U.S. support of Morsi and his Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood (MB) regime. Many, unfortunately most, Egyptians now see the U.S. as a MB collaborator and are calling for the U.S. to stop propping up a regime of radical Islamists.

Message from Tahrir: Please U.S. Administration, Stop Supporting Terrorists

The Obama administration, and specifically Ambassador Anne Patterson, have become the target of harsh criticism from many in the opposition movement for their support of Morsi and the MB.

Hal Meawad, a former State Department Foreign Service Officer and spokesman for Coptic Solidarity, spoke directly to the issue:  “[Ambassador] Anne Patterson is regarded as part of Morsi’s regime. She has been a strong supporter of Morsi. If Morsi goes, and this is certain, then Anne Patterson must be withdrawn from Egypt. I believe her career is finished in the entire Middle East. I don’t think she can find any place where she would be welcome. She needs to get out!”

Patterson has been a strong advocate of Morsi and the MB during the past year. She drew intense criticism for a recent late night meeting with MB leader Khairat al-Shater. Also, she was criticized for a meeting with the Coptic Pope in the days leading up to the June 30 protest in which she reportedly asked the Christians to refrain from joining the protests, echoing the request Morsi made, according to FrontPageMag.

Rising Anti-Americanism

Speaking from the streets of Cairo, ICC contact Wagih Yacoub told ICC what the masses in the streets are saying: “[President Obama], please stop supporting terrorists. We are a free nation. We choose our leaders. Don’t choose leaders for us. Withdraw your evil ambassador Anne Patterson.”

The Washington Post reports that there has been a rush of articles, talk shows, and public statements in Egypt over the past few weeks singling out the U.S. for particular scorn. They see the State Department acting as a puppet master behind the Morsi administration.

As was highlighted by the American Center for Law and Justice, in the days before the June 30 protests, the Obama administration authorized additional funding to Egypt even while many were preparing to call for the ousting of the Morsi government.

While many Egyptians previously viewed President Obama favorably, support for him has collapsed. Currently, 70 percent of Egyptians have an unfavorable opinion of him and 80 percent have an unfavorable opinion of the United States.

 President Obama called and spoke to President Morsi on Monday, July 1, and expressed his commitment to “the democratic process in Egypt and [that the United States] does not support any single party or group.” On Monday, the U.S. administration released a statement calling on Morsi to show he is responsive to the protesters, but senior administration officials also stated that a “military coup” would trigger violations that would cut financial support to Egypt.

This is an obvious ploy of soft support for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood warning the military to back off. It is just this type of transparent politicking in favor of the Islamists that has the Egyptian street protesters enraged with the U.S.

The Demands of the People Should be Respected

The United States administration is seen as having broken trust with the Egyptian people. To regain long-term influence and support in the region, the U.S. must stand with the masses in the streets of Egypt. The masses want democracy and are enraged that it was stolen from them by the Islamists in the first revolution.

The protests have attracted people from all segments of society who have suffered under the first year of  Morsi’s rule. “Over 17 million people were in the squares in Cairo. . .all kinds of people, all ages, old people, young people, Muslims, Christians, non-believers are protesting. You can hardly tell the difference, all of Egypt is here,” Yacoub continued.

Hope for a Better, Stronger, Freer Egypt

Current events in Egypt are simply stunning. After the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and Mohammed Morsi hijacked the “Arab Spring,” a truly democratic second revolution is unfolding.

The U.S. finds itself, once again, on the wrong side of history in the Middle East. Now is the time for the U.S. to support the people’s quest for a true democracy that was stolen from them by the Islamists.


International Christian Concern.

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Egyptian Masses to US: “Stop Supporting Egypt’s Terrorist Regime”


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Egyptians that first flocked to the streets in record numbers on Sunday, June 30, to demand the ouster of Islamist president Morsi have begun to voice their rising anger over U.S. support of Morsi and his Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood (MB) regime. Many, unfortunately most, Egyptians now see the U.S. as a MB collaborator and are calling for the U.S. to stop propping up a regime of radical Islamists.

Message from Tahrir: Please U.S. Administration, Stop Supporting Terrorists

The Obama administration, and specifically Ambassador Anne Patterson, have become the target of harsh criticism from many in the opposition movement for their support of Morsi and the MB.

Hal Meawad, a former State Department Foreign Service Officer and spokesman for Coptic Solidarity, spoke directly to the issue:  “[Ambassador] Anne Patterson is regarded as part of Morsi’s regime. She has been a strong supporter of Morsi. If Morsi goes, and this is certain, then Anne Patterson must be withdrawn from Egypt. I believe her career is finished in the entire Middle East. I don’t think she can find any place where she would be welcome. She needs to get out!”

Patterson has been a strong advocate of Morsi and the MB during the past year. She drew intense criticism for a recent late night meeting with MB leader Khairat al-Shater. Also, she was criticized for a meeting with the Coptic Pope in the days leading up to the June 30 protest in which she reportedly asked the Christians to refrain from joining the protests, echoing the request Morsi made, according to FrontPageMag.

Rising Anti-Americanism

Speaking from the streets of Cairo, ICC contact Wagih Yacoub told ICC what the masses in the streets are saying: “[President Obama], please stop supporting terrorists. We are a free nation. We choose our leaders. Don’t choose leaders for us. Withdraw your evil ambassador Anne Patterson.”

The Washington Post reports that there has been a rush of articles, talk shows, and public statements in Egypt over the past few weeks singling out the U.S. for particular scorn. They see the State Department acting as a puppet master behind the Morsi administration.

As was highlighted by the American Center for Law and Justice, in the days before the June 30 protests, the Obama administration authorized additional funding to Egypt even while many were preparing to call for the ousting of the Morsi government.

While many Egyptians previously viewed President Obama favorably, support for him has collapsed. Currently, 70 percent of Egyptians have an unfavorable opinion of him and 80 percent have an unfavorable opinion of the United States.

 President Obama called and spoke to President Morsi on Monday, July 1, and expressed his commitment to “the democratic process in Egypt and [that the United States] does not support any single party or group.” On Monday, the U.S. administration released a statement calling on Morsi to show he is responsive to the protesters, but senior administration officials also stated that a “military coup” would trigger violations that would cut financial support to Egypt.

This is an obvious ploy of soft support for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood warning the military to back off. It is just this type of transparent politicking in favor of the Islamists that has the Egyptian street protesters enraged with the U.S.

The Demands of the People Should be Respected

The United States administration is seen as having broken trust with the Egyptian people. To regain long-term influence and support in the region, the U.S. must stand with the masses in the streets of Egypt. The masses want democracy and are enraged that it was stolen from them by the Islamists in the first revolution.

The protests have attracted people from all segments of society who have suffered under the first year of  Morsi’s rule. “Over 17 million people were in the squares in Cairo. . .all kinds of people, all ages, old people, young people, Muslims, Christians, non-believers are protesting. You can hardly tell the difference, all of Egypt is here,” Yacoub continued.

Hope for a Better, Stronger, Freer Egypt

Current events in Egypt are simply stunning. After the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and Mohammed Morsi hijacked the “Arab Spring,” a truly democratic second revolution is unfolding.

The U.S. finds itself, once again, on the wrong side of history in the Middle East. Now is the time for the U.S. to support the people’s quest for a true democracy that was stolen from them by the Islamists.


International Christian Concern.