CS Releases Egypt: Violent Jihadis Imprisoned for Terror Crimes Being Released...

Egypt: Violent Jihadis Imprisoned for Terror Crimes Being Released


111yal Egypt: Violent Jihadis Imprisoned for Terror Crimes Being ReleasedEgypt’s Shura Council announced in a statement that it has agreed for the Islamic Group to begin taking steps to release convicts who have been imprisoned in Egyptian prisons for years from Islamic Jihad and Al Gama’a Al Islamiya, including several who were given the death sentence and confined under high security for committing terrorist crimes. According to Tarek al-Zomor, the formal speaker of the Islamic Group and a member of the Shura Council, they have already begun taking steps to release 40 prisoners, all members of the Islamic Jihad and Al Gama’a Al Islamiya. Zomor refused to release their names until they have been released from prison.

Al Ahram Al Massai, 7/28/12; translated by Coptic Solidarity

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Egypt: Violent Jihadis Imprisoned for Terror Crimes Being Released


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111yal Egypt: Violent Jihadis Imprisoned for Terror Crimes Being ReleasedEgypt’s Shura Council announced in a statement that it has agreed for the Islamic Group to begin taking steps to release convicts who have been imprisoned in Egyptian prisons for years from Islamic Jihad and Al Gama’a Al Islamiya, including several who were given the death sentence and confined under high security for committing terrorist crimes. According to Tarek al-Zomor, the formal speaker of the Islamic Group and a member of the Shura Council, they have already begun taking steps to release 40 prisoners, all members of the Islamic Jihad and Al Gama’a Al Islamiya. Zomor refused to release their names until they have been released from prison.

Al Ahram Al Massai, 7/28/12; translated by Coptic Solidarity