News Egypt’s Endowments Ministry Forbids Shi'ite Celebrations

Egypt’s Endowments Ministry Forbids Shi’ite Celebrations




The rituals performed on the Day of Ashura include acts of self-inflicting pain, which Sunnis deem contradictory to Islam.


“The Endowments Ministry and Al-Azhar fight the Shi'ite tide in the Arab region and Egypt in particular,” he said, adding that the imams of the mosques were ordered to report any celebration activity to the police.


“Al-Azhar is a platform of moderation and proper approach,” he said. “There is no place for extremist ideas here.”




Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm.


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Egypt’s Endowments Ministry Forbids Shi'ite Celebrations


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The rituals performed on the Day of Ashura include acts of self-inflicting pain, which Sunnis deem contradictory to Islam.


“The Endowments Ministry and Al-Azhar fight the Shi'ite tide in the Arab region and Egypt in particular,” he said, adding that the imams of the mosques were ordered to report any celebration activity to the police.


“Al-Azhar is a platform of moderation and proper approach,” he said. “There is no place for extremist ideas here.”




Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm.