News Egypt NGOs Call to Re-Evaluate Post-Morsi Legislation

Egypt NGOs Call to Re-Evaluate Post-Morsi Legislation



Additionally, the report tackles a wide array of human rights abuses that range from state targeting of NGOs that receive foreign funding to violence against women. Recently elected Speaker Ali Abdel-Al countered, arguing that Parliament is not obligated to revise decrees issued by President Sisi or former interim President Adly Mansour, citing a technicality in a constitutional article.


Meanwhile, the Al Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence reported that 474 people were killed and over 600 were tortured by Egyptian security forces in 2015. According to the report, 328 people were killed outside of detention centers, 137 were killed in detention centers, and 9 were killed in other ways. The information gathered by Al Nadeem was gathered entirely through media reports compiled throughout 2015 and does not reflect cases that were brought directly to the Nadeem Center. Additionally, the report showed 640 cases of individual torture, 36 cases of mass torture, 26 cases of general misconduct, and 358 cases of medical negligence. Mada Masr notes that these statistics directly contradict the Egyptian government’s assertion [Ar] that torture is not systematic in Egypt.




?s=96&d=mm&r=g Egypt NGOs Call to Re-Evaluate Post-Morsi Legislation


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Additionally, the report tackles a wide array of human rights abuses that range from state targeting of NGOs that receive foreign funding to violence against women. Recently elected Speaker Ali Abdel-Al countered, arguing that Parliament is not obligated to revise decrees issued by President Sisi or former interim President Adly Mansour, citing a technicality in a constitutional article.


Meanwhile, the Al Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence reported that 474 people were killed and over 600 were tortured by Egyptian security forces in 2015. According to the report, 328 people were killed outside of detention centers, 137 were killed in detention centers, and 9 were killed in other ways. The information gathered by Al Nadeem was gathered entirely through media reports compiled throughout 2015 and does not reflect cases that were brought directly to the Nadeem Center. Additionally, the report showed 640 cases of individual torture, 36 cases of mass torture, 26 cases of general misconduct, and 358 cases of medical negligence. Mada Masr notes that these statistics directly contradict the Egyptian government’s assertion [Ar] that torture is not systematic in Egypt.

