News Egypt Criticizes Europe’s Human Rights Record at UN Meeting

Egypt Criticizes Europe’s Human Rights Record at UN Meeting



Egyptian Envoy to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Amr Ramadan defended his government’s human rights record at a council meeting on Wednesday. Ramadan expressed that the Egyptian government has a positive relationship with civil society organizations that respect the law, adding that only a small number accept foreign funding and “resort to foreign countries to cover up their violations of the law.”

The Egyptian envoy also expressed his concern about human rights violations occurring in Europe, including the United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers Act, the state of emergency in France, and ongoing “racism, extremism, hate speech, discrimination against foreigners and Muslims present in a number of [European Union] countries.”

According to Mada Masr, “Ramadan’s comments were widely lampooned on social media.” One Facebook user referred [Ar] to the envoy’s remarks as “black comedy” while an Egyptian Twitter user declared that Ramadan’s comments “must be a joke.”


Photo credit: UN Watch

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Egyptian Envoy to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Amr Ramadan defended his government’s human rights record at a council meeting on Wednesday. Ramadan expressed that the Egyptian government has a positive relationship with civil society organizations that respect the law, adding that only a small number accept foreign funding and “resort to foreign countries to cover up their violations of the law.”

The Egyptian envoy also expressed his concern about human rights violations occurring in Europe, including the United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers Act, the state of emergency in France, and ongoing “racism, extremism, hate speech, discrimination against foreigners and Muslims present in a number of [European Union] countries.”

According to Mada Masr, “Ramadan’s comments were widely lampooned on social media.” One Facebook user referred [Ar] to the envoy’s remarks as “black comedy” while an Egyptian Twitter user declared that Ramadan’s comments “must be a joke.”


Photo credit: UN Watch