CS Releases Egypt: Christian Man Shot in Head ‘Only Because He...

Egypt: Christian Man Shot in Head ‘Only Because He Was a Copt’


189266255586866503712 Egypt: Christian Man Shot in Head ‘Only Because He Was a Copt’In the early morning hours of Saturday, January 31, masked gunmen stormed the home of Nabil Mahrus, a 50-year-old Coptic Christian civil servant in al-Arish, the largest city in Sinai.


In front of the rest of his family, they went up to the Coptic man and shot him several times in his head, killing him.  Other members of the masked gang proceeded to rob the family and home.

According to the slain man’s wife, her husband was murdered “only because he was a Copt [i.e., Christian]. 


She pointed out that the masked intruders first robbed everything in sight—including the money in his pockets, the jewelry she was wearing, her handbag, cell phones, and even a Bible. 


Then, after plundering everything in sight, and for no other reason than to sate their hate, they shot the Christian in the head, leaving him dead.

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Egypt: Christian Man Shot in Head ‘Only Because He Was a Copt’


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189266255586866503712 Egypt: Christian Man Shot in Head ‘Only Because He Was a Copt’In the early morning hours of Saturday, January 31, masked gunmen stormed the home of Nabil Mahrus, a 50-year-old Coptic Christian civil servant in al-Arish, the largest city in Sinai.


In front of the rest of his family, they went up to the Coptic man and shot him several times in his head, killing him.  Other members of the masked gang proceeded to rob the family and home.

According to the slain man’s wife, her husband was murdered “only because he was a Copt [i.e., Christian]. 


She pointed out that the masked intruders first robbed everything in sight—including the money in his pockets, the jewelry she was wearing, her handbag, cell phones, and even a Bible. 


Then, after plundering everything in sight, and for no other reason than to sate their hate, they shot the Christian in the head, leaving him dead.