CS Releases Egypt: Bombs Go Off Near Two Churches On Easter...

Egypt: Bombs Go Off Near Two Churches On Easter Sunday


7270278c Egypt: Bombs Go Off Near Two Churches On Easter SundayOn April 12, Easter Sunday according to the Orthodox calendar, the churches of Egypt’s Christian minorities—Coptic Orthodox to Protestants—were, as usual, under attack.  According to Egyptian media, three explosions took place in Zagazig vicinity on Sunday to coincide with Easter celebrations.


The first explosion—which was placed under a parked car—took place near St. George church (others say St. Joseph).  Soon after it, another bomb exploded near the Evangelical Church in the same area.


Unlike the many attacks on Coptic churches and persons that took place all throughout Easter Week—from attacks on other churches, proposed and to be renovated, to attacks on “blasphemers”—these latest attacks appear to have been carried out by formal Islamic terrorist organizations in Egypt (colloquially known as “ISIS in Egypt”) and not just angry Muslim mobs.


Although no injuries occurred, large numbers of casualties could have easily resulted, based on precedent.  For example, on January 1, 2011, as Egypt’s Christians ushered in the New Year, car bombs went off near the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, resulting in 23 dead worshippers and dozens critically injured.


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7270278c Egypt: Bombs Go Off Near Two Churches On Easter SundayOn April 12, Easter Sunday according to the Orthodox calendar, the churches of Egypt’s Christian minorities—Coptic Orthodox to Protestants—were, as usual, under attack.  According to Egyptian media, three explosions took place in Zagazig vicinity on Sunday to coincide with Easter celebrations.


The first explosion—which was placed under a parked car—took place near St. George church (others say St. Joseph).  Soon after it, another bomb exploded near the Evangelical Church in the same area.


Unlike the many attacks on Coptic churches and persons that took place all throughout Easter Week—from attacks on other churches, proposed and to be renovated, to attacks on “blasphemers”—these latest attacks appear to have been carried out by formal Islamic terrorist organizations in Egypt (colloquially known as “ISIS in Egypt”) and not just angry Muslim mobs.


Although no injuries occurred, large numbers of casualties could have easily resulted, based on precedent.  For example, on January 1, 2011, as Egypt’s Christians ushered in the New Year, car bombs went off near the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, resulting in 23 dead worshippers and dozens critically injured.