CS Releases Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in...

Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a “Untied Arab States,”


safwathegazy Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a "Untied Arab States,"Editor’s note: During a televised interview earlier this week, Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a “Untied Arab States,” dropped the Western analogies and made clear what the Muslim Brotherhood seeks: a caliphate and world domination, which even the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood has asserted is the group’s mission.

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a "Untied Arab States,"


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safwathegazy Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a "Untied Arab States,"Editor’s note: During a televised interview earlier this week, Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular Muslim Brotherhood preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a “Untied Arab States,” dropped the Western analogies and made clear what the Muslim Brotherhood seeks: a caliphate and world domination, which even the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood has asserted is the group’s mission.