CS Releases Devastated Christian Family: Our Longtime Muslim Friends and Neighbors...

Devastated Christian Family: Our Longtime Muslim Friends and Neighbors Killed Our Children


dohaa Devastated Christian Family: Our Longtime Muslim Friends and Neighbors Killed Our ChildrenA 6-minute video that can be watched here is a must-see.  It offers an up close and personal account of what Christian minorities are experiencing at the hands of jihadis and other Muslim “rebels” being supported in the Mideast by the Obama administration.






A Christian family from Iraq narrates how their young children were killed and burned alive, “simply for wearing the cross.” One of the remaining and traumatized children uses toy figures to show people how his siblings were slaughtered.


This family is identical to the other Christian refugees who fled the Islamic State in Iraq and came to America—only to be imprisoned and then thrown back to the lions by the Obama government.


Listen especially to the mother’s words starting around the 2:50 minute mark.  She talks about how the “ISIS” that attacked and killed her children were their own Muslim neighbors, whom they ate with, laughed with, and even provided educational and medical service to.


For more on this theme, read When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors.


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Devastated Christian Family: Our Longtime Muslim Friends and Neighbors Killed Our Children


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dohaa Devastated Christian Family: Our Longtime Muslim Friends and Neighbors Killed Our ChildrenA 6-minute video that can be watched here is a must-see.  It offers an up close and personal account of what Christian minorities are experiencing at the hands of jihadis and other Muslim “rebels” being supported in the Mideast by the Obama administration.






A Christian family from Iraq narrates how their young children were killed and burned alive, “simply for wearing the cross.” One of the remaining and traumatized children uses toy figures to show people how his siblings were slaughtered.


This family is identical to the other Christian refugees who fled the Islamic State in Iraq and came to America—only to be imprisoned and then thrown back to the lions by the Obama government.


Listen especially to the mother’s words starting around the 2:50 minute mark.  She talks about how the “ISIS” that attacked and killed her children were their own Muslim neighbors, whom they ate with, laughed with, and even provided educational and medical service to.


For more on this theme, read When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors.