CS Releases Coptic Solidarity Calls for Demonstration at Libyan Embassy on...

Coptic Solidarity Calls for Demonstration at Libyan Embassy on March 14


ragilll Coptic Solidarity Calls for Demonstration at Libyan Embassy on March 14Statement to Condemn Attacks on Innocent Copts in Libya and Call for Actions

«Coptic Solidarity» condemns in the strongest terms the unlawful acts by the group «Ansarul Sharia» in Libya to arrest, torture and detain dozens of Copts; and the detention by Libya’s «Preventive Security» department in Tripoli of the Coptic man «Ezzat Hakim Atallah» for ten days till he died on March 9 under torture, and the detention of his Coptic colleagues Imad Seddik Ibrahim, Issa Ibrahim Isaac, Emad Shaker, Sharif Ramses, and others who are still being subjected to torture inside the Preventive Security building.

«Coptic Solidarity» further demands that the Libyan authorities at the highest levels order the immediate release of all Copts detained in Libya under the despicable and idiotic charges of «proselytizing », simply based on possessing Christian books for personal use.

«Coptic Solidarity» demands that the Libyan authorities conduct a just investigation into the death of Izzat Hakim Atallah, punish those responsible and compensate fairly the victims’ families.

«Coptic Solidarity» condemns in the strongest terms the Egyptian authorities, especially the foreign minister, the ambassador in Libya and the Consul in Benghazi, for their failure to defend their fellow citizens. In contrast, the presidency and the foreign ministry had enthusiastically rushed to defend a Muslim Brotherhood cell that was arrested in the United Arab Emirates on charges of threatening the country’s national security. The attitude of the Egyptian authorities in dealing with the Coptic citizens is shameful.

«Coptic Solidarity» demands international bodies and organizations and human rights organizations to immediately intervene to stop the flagrant attacks on innocent Copts in Libya, and to conduct investigations and accordingly pursue those responsible.


«Coptic Solidarity» calls for a peaceful demonstration in front of the Libyan Embassy in Washington:

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW Suite 705
, D.C., 20037

At noon on Thursday, March 14, 2013


For further information, please contact Magdi Khalil at 202-725-3091


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Coptic Solidarity Calls for Demonstration at Libyan Embassy on March 14


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ragilll Coptic Solidarity Calls for Demonstration at Libyan Embassy on March 14Statement to Condemn Attacks on Innocent Copts in Libya and Call for Actions

«Coptic Solidarity» condemns in the strongest terms the unlawful acts by the group «Ansarul Sharia» in Libya to arrest, torture and detain dozens of Copts; and the detention by Libya’s «Preventive Security» department in Tripoli of the Coptic man «Ezzat Hakim Atallah» for ten days till he died on March 9 under torture, and the detention of his Coptic colleagues Imad Seddik Ibrahim, Issa Ibrahim Isaac, Emad Shaker, Sharif Ramses, and others who are still being subjected to torture inside the Preventive Security building.

«Coptic Solidarity» further demands that the Libyan authorities at the highest levels order the immediate release of all Copts detained in Libya under the despicable and idiotic charges of «proselytizing », simply based on possessing Christian books for personal use.

«Coptic Solidarity» demands that the Libyan authorities conduct a just investigation into the death of Izzat Hakim Atallah, punish those responsible and compensate fairly the victims’ families.

«Coptic Solidarity» condemns in the strongest terms the Egyptian authorities, especially the foreign minister, the ambassador in Libya and the Consul in Benghazi, for their failure to defend their fellow citizens. In contrast, the presidency and the foreign ministry had enthusiastically rushed to defend a Muslim Brotherhood cell that was arrested in the United Arab Emirates on charges of threatening the country’s national security. The attitude of the Egyptian authorities in dealing with the Coptic citizens is shameful.

«Coptic Solidarity» demands international bodies and organizations and human rights organizations to immediately intervene to stop the flagrant attacks on innocent Copts in Libya, and to conduct investigations and accordingly pursue those responsible.


«Coptic Solidarity» calls for a peaceful demonstration in front of the Libyan Embassy in Washington:

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW Suite 705
, D.C., 20037

At noon on Thursday, March 14, 2013


For further information, please contact Magdi Khalil at 202-725-3091