News Conspiracy Theories in Arab World Following Paris Attacks: Foreign...

Conspiracy Theories in Arab World Following Paris Attacks: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Planned the Attacks; ISIS only Carried Them out




The articles contended that ISIS is a creation of Western intelligence agencies, and that these agencies were the ones who planned the attacks and used ISIS to carry them out. It was also claimed that the U.S. is the greatest inciter of global terrorism, and that the main parties who benefited from terror were the Syrian regime, Israel, Europe and Turkey, whereas the main victims were Arabs and Muslims. The articles leveled harsh criticism at the West, especially at the U.S., stating that they ignored ISIS crimes as long as they took place in the Arab world, and even encouraged them in order to serve their own interests.


The following are excerpts from some of the articles.


International Intelligence Agencies Create Terror Organizations To Carry Out Crimes On Their Behalf; 9/11 Was An Example


In the official Saudi daily Al-Watan, writer Muhammad Al-Sa'idi wrote that many attacks in the West and the Arab world, including 9/11, the recent downing of the Russian plane in Sinai, and the recent bombing in Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut, were planned by regional and international intelligence agencies that "do not shy away from sacrificing some members of their own nation or sect in order to achieve strategic goals." He added: "In many cases, the organization [ostensibly responsible for the attack] only becomes aware of the attack after it has occurred, and claims responsibility for it for reasons of propaganda, or to cover up for the intelligence elements that actually planned the crime.


"Despite this, accusatory fingers were previously pointed and will ever be pointed at it [ISIS], even if it claims no responsibility for an incident. [Both] ISIS and its predecessor Al-Qaeda are organizations whose establishment involved the cooperation of a number of intelligence apparatuses.One of the tasks with which they are charged is covering up the crimes of several international intelligence apparatuses, and it may be that the well-known September 11 attacks are the first clear example [of this]. It is now clear to all that 'Al-Qaeda,' although it claimed responsibility for this incident [9/11]… was nothing but a tool [to commit] the crime, and perhaps just a cog in the system…"


Al-Sa'idi added that the ones who benefited the most from the attacks were the West and the Syrian regime that "still sees France's position as pro-terrorism, because President Hollande and [France's] foreign minister still insist that Assad is not part of the solution… This position [on the part of France] has led the mufti of Syria to threaten France, and Europe in general, with suicide attacks that, he says, the Syrian [mujahideen] will export to their countries…"


Al-Sa'idi concluded by saying: "The takfiri groups, including ISIS, are merely serving the interests of the enemies of Islam, whom ISIS and its ilk claim to be fighting. This affirms the common view that ISIS is the product of intelligence apparatuses, and that the crimes of international intelligence apparatuses can be carried out in its shadow, while these apparatuses can carry out brutal wars in its name, while they stand to lose very little."


memri1(1) Conspiracy Theories in Arab World Following Paris Attacks: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Planned the Attacks; ISIS only Carried Them out


A similar view was voiced by 'Issam Amira, a Palestinian cleric, in a Friday sermon that he delivered in Jerusalem. He criticized the media for condemning the Paris attacks "even though an analysis by a certain politician indicates that the attacks were carried out by the intelligence apparatus of an anti-Islamic Western state in order to blame Islam [for them]…" For a MEMRI TV clip of excerpts from the sermon, click below.



The West Will Pay The Price For Creating ISIS


In an article titled "The Devil's Price" in the Egyptian daily Al-Watan, Dr. Muhammad Al-Khalil wrote that the West, which created the circumstances in which ISIS emerged, and later turned a blind eye to its expansion in hopes of exploiting it, will now pay the price for its actions. He wrote: "The lesson that we can derive from the night of bloodshed that Paris experienced three days ago is that everybody will pay the price: anyone who participated in cultivating ISIS and supporting it, anyone who prepared the comfortable climate and environment for its ever-increasing expansion, and anyone who remained silent over its expansion and made no attempt to oppose it…


"The U.S. and the European countries created this ISIS monster in the image of Satan, as he is depicted in Arab and foreign films, and used it to [achieve] their global objectives. It began with the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The process involved humiliating the Iraqi citizen, wounding his dignity and allowing him to be killed according to his sectarian identity. This process inevitably led [people] to arm themselves with the most benighted ideas that exist in the Muslim mind. Leaving aside the question of whether [these ideas] are compatible with the values of Islam or not, they provided them [the Iraqis] with suitable ground for confronting those who were crushing them. The ideas of slaughter, burning, taking captive, destruction and accusing everyone of apostasy sprouted from here. The West rejoiced over the new Satan that it had created, aided it to the best of its ability, ignored the fact that it was beginning to gain powerful means of destruction, and exploited it as a bargaining chip to maneuver against the Arabs, pressure them and humiliate them. The U.S and the European countries did not learn a lesson from Al-Qaeda, [which is another] savage animal that the West spawned and cultivated in Afghanistan and that later [came back to] bite it in its territory…


"The Satan [ISIS] now opposes everyone, and everyone is taking the approach that… 'whoever created this fiend knows best how to remove it.' My estimate is that… eradicating this Satan will not be easy, but will exact a heavy price which everyone will have to pay: everyone who was partially [responsible] for the Satan's existence, everyone who prepared the ground for it to grow, everyone who remained silent until it became very powerful.  Everyone will pay the price in the future. The bill is in the mail."


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?s=96&d=mm&r=g Conspiracy Theories in Arab World Following Paris Attacks: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Planned the Attacks; ISIS only Carried Them out


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The articles contended that ISIS is a creation of Western intelligence agencies, and that these agencies were the ones who planned the attacks and used ISIS to carry them out. It was also claimed that the U.S. is the greatest inciter of global terrorism, and that the main parties who benefited from terror were the Syrian regime, Israel, Europe and Turkey, whereas the main victims were Arabs and Muslims. The articles leveled harsh criticism at the West, especially at the U.S., stating that they ignored ISIS crimes as long as they took place in the Arab world, and even encouraged them in order to serve their own interests.


The following are excerpts from some of the articles.


International Intelligence Agencies Create Terror Organizations To Carry Out Crimes On Their Behalf; 9/11 Was An Example


In the official Saudi daily Al-Watan, writer Muhammad Al-Sa'idi wrote that many attacks in the West and the Arab world, including 9/11, the recent downing of the Russian plane in Sinai, and the recent bombing in Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut, were planned by regional and international intelligence agencies that "do not shy away from sacrificing some members of their own nation or sect in order to achieve strategic goals." He added: "In many cases, the organization [ostensibly responsible for the attack] only becomes aware of the attack after it has occurred, and claims responsibility for it for reasons of propaganda, or to cover up for the intelligence elements that actually planned the crime.


"Despite this, accusatory fingers were previously pointed and will ever be pointed at it [ISIS], even if it claims no responsibility for an incident. [Both] ISIS and its predecessor Al-Qaeda are organizations whose establishment involved the cooperation of a number of intelligence apparatuses.One of the tasks with which they are charged is covering up the crimes of several international intelligence apparatuses, and it may be that the well-known September 11 attacks are the first clear example [of this]. It is now clear to all that 'Al-Qaeda,' although it claimed responsibility for this incident [9/11]… was nothing but a tool [to commit] the crime, and perhaps just a cog in the system…"


Al-Sa'idi added that the ones who benefited the most from the attacks were the West and the Syrian regime that "still sees France's position as pro-terrorism, because President Hollande and [France's] foreign minister still insist that Assad is not part of the solution… This position [on the part of France] has led the mufti of Syria to threaten France, and Europe in general, with suicide attacks that, he says, the Syrian [mujahideen] will export to their countries…"


Al-Sa'idi concluded by saying: "The takfiri groups, including ISIS, are merely serving the interests of the enemies of Islam, whom ISIS and its ilk claim to be fighting. This affirms the common view that ISIS is the product of intelligence apparatuses, and that the crimes of international intelligence apparatuses can be carried out in its shadow, while these apparatuses can carry out brutal wars in its name, while they stand to lose very little."


memri1(1) Conspiracy Theories in Arab World Following Paris Attacks: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Planned the Attacks; ISIS only Carried Them out


A similar view was voiced by 'Issam Amira, a Palestinian cleric, in a Friday sermon that he delivered in Jerusalem. He criticized the media for condemning the Paris attacks "even though an analysis by a certain politician indicates that the attacks were carried out by the intelligence apparatus of an anti-Islamic Western state in order to blame Islam [for them]…" For a MEMRI TV clip of excerpts from the sermon, click below.



The West Will Pay The Price For Creating ISIS


In an article titled "The Devil's Price" in the Egyptian daily Al-Watan, Dr. Muhammad Al-Khalil wrote that the West, which created the circumstances in which ISIS emerged, and later turned a blind eye to its expansion in hopes of exploiting it, will now pay the price for its actions. He wrote: "The lesson that we can derive from the night of bloodshed that Paris experienced three days ago is that everybody will pay the price: anyone who participated in cultivating ISIS and supporting it, anyone who prepared the comfortable climate and environment for its ever-increasing expansion, and anyone who remained silent over its expansion and made no attempt to oppose it…


"The U.S. and the European countries created this ISIS monster in the image of Satan, as he is depicted in Arab and foreign films, and used it to [achieve] their global objectives. It began with the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The process involved humiliating the Iraqi citizen, wounding his dignity and allowing him to be killed according to his sectarian identity. This process inevitably led [people] to arm themselves with the most benighted ideas that exist in the Muslim mind. Leaving aside the question of whether [these ideas] are compatible with the values of Islam or not, they provided them [the Iraqis] with suitable ground for confronting those who were crushing them. The ideas of slaughter, burning, taking captive, destruction and accusing everyone of apostasy sprouted from here. The West rejoiced over the new Satan that it had created, aided it to the best of its ability, ignored the fact that it was beginning to gain powerful means of destruction, and exploited it as a bargaining chip to maneuver against the Arabs, pressure them and humiliate them. The U.S and the European countries did not learn a lesson from Al-Qaeda, [which is another] savage animal that the West spawned and cultivated in Afghanistan and that later [came back to] bite it in its territory…


"The Satan [ISIS] now opposes everyone, and everyone is taking the approach that… 'whoever created this fiend knows best how to remove it.' My estimate is that… eradicating this Satan will not be easy, but will exact a heavy price which everyone will have to pay: everyone who was partially [responsible] for the Satan's existence, everyone who prepared the ground for it to grow, everyone who remained silent until it became very powerful.  Everyone will pay the price in the future. The bill is in the mail."


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