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Congressional Delegation Declares Solidarity with Egypt Against Terrorism


conty1 Congressional Delegation Declares Solidarity with Egypt Against TerrorismWASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Coptic Solidarity and its Egyptian secular allies and friends, are pleased to inform the public of the success of a visit by a bipartisan Congressional delegation to Egypt to strengthen the relationship between the American People and Egypt and to deepen the US-Egyptian alliance against terrorism and extremism.

The delegation included Republican and Democratic Representatives Dana Rohrabacher, Michele Bachmann, Louie Golmert, Dana Edward, Steve King, Steve Stockman, Robert Pittenger, and Louis Franklin. 


The delegation met with Interim President Mansour, minister of Defense General al-Sisi, and members of the cabinet, and visited the Pope Tadraous, spiritual leader of the Coptic Church. They had excellent meetings and assured Egypt’s leaders that a majority in the US Congress stands firmly with Egyptians against terrorism and extremism and reject the violence and radical ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.


The delegation visited burned churches and expressed its horror at the damages and victims at the hands of Muslim Brotherhood militias and Jihadi Terrorists. Pope Tawadros told the delegation that “the community paid a dear price, dozens of churches were burned down, but if these sacrifices help in bringing freedom to Egypt, we consent.” The delegation assured the Pope that Congress would do all it can to support the Egyptian people, the Coptic community and to all civil society moderates in Egypt.


Three leaders from the delegation, Representatives Michele Bachmann, Louie Golmert and Steve King held a joint Press briefer at the Egyptian American Chamber and declared their “full support to Egypt’s people, Government and revolution, in confronting the terror and oppression of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said “we are with you people of Egypt against the common threat, the Muslim Brotherhood. We have diversity of opinion in Washington, but be sure the people of Egypt are standing with Egypt against the Brotherhood terror.” Congressman Gohmert said “we were opposed to send military assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood regime before your revolution, but now we will work on getting all military assistance needed to fight the Jihadists and the Terrorists.” Congressman King said “we will work on an economic partnership between the US and Egypt and make sure you move forward to a stage of democracy and economic success.” The press briefer can be viewed here: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWFgnwzyBaw&;feature=share)


In Washington, Dr Walid Phares, Co-Secretary General of the Transatlanctic Parliamentary Group and advisor to members of the US Congress and the European Parliament on Middle East affairs said “this delegation brought hope to Egyptians that the American public stands firmly with the democratic revolution, support the aspirations of the 30 million Egyptians who marched for freedom and is a partner in the struggle against Terrorism.” Phares said, “Egyptian Americans have worked hard to insure the success of a Congressional initiative to Egypt. The Coptic Solidarity Conference held in June on Capitol Hill was supported by many members of Congress, some of whom in fact were part of the delegation to Egypt. That Conference triggered several meetings and initiatives that inspired the formation of this delegation. The presence of Egyptian secular leaders at the Coptic Solidarity Conference in Washington also helped convincing Congressional leaders that what later happened in Egypt wasn’t a coup, but a real popular revolution.”


Coptic Solidarity will continue to help building positive relationships between the US Congress and Egypt as well as between European legislatures and the Egyptian people.


Coptic Solidarity is non-profit organization dedicated to leading efforts to achieve equal citizenship for the Copts in Egypt. For more information, contact Hal Meawad 240-644-5153, or [email protected]“>[email protected]



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conty1 Congressional Delegation Declares Solidarity with Egypt Against TerrorismWASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Coptic Solidarity and its Egyptian secular allies and friends, are pleased to inform the public of the success of a visit by a bipartisan Congressional delegation to Egypt to strengthen the relationship between the American People and Egypt and to deepen the US-Egyptian alliance against terrorism and extremism.

The delegation included Republican and Democratic Representatives Dana Rohrabacher, Michele Bachmann, Louie Golmert, Dana Edward, Steve King, Steve Stockman, Robert Pittenger, and Louis Franklin. 


The delegation met with Interim President Mansour, minister of Defense General al-Sisi, and members of the cabinet, and visited the Pope Tadraous, spiritual leader of the Coptic Church. They had excellent meetings and assured Egypt’s leaders that a majority in the US Congress stands firmly with Egyptians against terrorism and extremism and reject the violence and radical ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.


The delegation visited burned churches and expressed its horror at the damages and victims at the hands of Muslim Brotherhood militias and Jihadi Terrorists. Pope Tawadros told the delegation that “the community paid a dear price, dozens of churches were burned down, but if these sacrifices help in bringing freedom to Egypt, we consent.” The delegation assured the Pope that Congress would do all it can to support the Egyptian people, the Coptic community and to all civil society moderates in Egypt.


Three leaders from the delegation, Representatives Michele Bachmann, Louie Golmert and Steve King held a joint Press briefer at the Egyptian American Chamber and declared their “full support to Egypt’s people, Government and revolution, in confronting the terror and oppression of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said “we are with you people of Egypt against the common threat, the Muslim Brotherhood. We have diversity of opinion in Washington, but be sure the people of Egypt are standing with Egypt against the Brotherhood terror.” Congressman Gohmert said “we were opposed to send military assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood regime before your revolution, but now we will work on getting all military assistance needed to fight the Jihadists and the Terrorists.” Congressman King said “we will work on an economic partnership between the US and Egypt and make sure you move forward to a stage of democracy and economic success.” The press briefer can be viewed here: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWFgnwzyBaw&;feature=share)


In Washington, Dr Walid Phares, Co-Secretary General of the Transatlanctic Parliamentary Group and advisor to members of the US Congress and the European Parliament on Middle East affairs said “this delegation brought hope to Egyptians that the American public stands firmly with the democratic revolution, support the aspirations of the 30 million Egyptians who marched for freedom and is a partner in the struggle against Terrorism.” Phares said, “Egyptian Americans have worked hard to insure the success of a Congressional initiative to Egypt. The Coptic Solidarity Conference held in June on Capitol Hill was supported by many members of Congress, some of whom in fact were part of the delegation to Egypt. That Conference triggered several meetings and initiatives that inspired the formation of this delegation. The presence of Egyptian secular leaders at the Coptic Solidarity Conference in Washington also helped convincing Congressional leaders that what later happened in Egypt wasn’t a coup, but a real popular revolution.”


Coptic Solidarity will continue to help building positive relationships between the US Congress and Egypt as well as between European legislatures and the Egyptian people.


Coptic Solidarity is non-profit organization dedicated to leading efforts to achieve equal citizenship for the Copts in Egypt. For more information, contact Hal Meawad 240-644-5153, or [email protected]“>[email protected]

