CS Releases Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the Jihadists...

Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the Jihadists


con101 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsA week ago, a US Congressional delegation came back from Egypt after a visit where it met the interim President, the Minister of Defense and the Coptic Christian Pope.


The delegation was working on repairing the relationship between the United States and Egypt after the Obama Administration policy of partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood angered a majority of Egyptian.

con102 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsThe bipartisan delegation insisted on reinforcing US-Egyptian relations particularly in the areas of fighting the Jihadists in Sinai, defeating the Muslim Brotherhood violence in the country and protecting the Christian Coptic community from armed Islamist attacks.


The bipartisan commission consisted of Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Donna Edwards (D-MD), Steve King (R-IA), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Robert Pittenger (R-NC), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Lois Frankel (D-FL).  


The delegation traveled to Egypt in the wake of a major conference organized by Coptic Solidarity in Washington DC, in June, attended by a number of delegation participants.


A source in Coptic Solidarity said “there is a core group inside the US Congress, representing a majority in the House and the Senate that supports the Copts and wishes to see a democratic Egypt secured from al Qaeda.”

 con104 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsAn observer in Cairo said “these men and women from the US Congress helped clarifying to the Egyptian people that most Americans side with the Copts, secular and moderate Egyptians and stand with the Egyptian military against al Qaeda.


In the US, apologist media, sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood systematically continued to attack the members of the delegation for daring describing the Ikhwan as “extremists and terrorists,” which by the way is how an overwhelming majority of Egyptians perceive the Muslim Brotherhood toady.

 con103 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsAfter the Washington Post and the New York Times, the Huffington Post and Business Insider also harshly attacked the delegation and particularly Representatives Michele Bachmann, Steve King and Louie Gohmert for standing with the popular majority and the military against the Ikhwan and the Jihadists. The writers in the apologist media are using the same arguments used by the Islamist lobby in the US.


WP- CS                                                                                                                                                                              

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the Jihadists


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con101 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsA week ago, a US Congressional delegation came back from Egypt after a visit where it met the interim President, the Minister of Defense and the Coptic Christian Pope.


The delegation was working on repairing the relationship between the United States and Egypt after the Obama Administration policy of partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood angered a majority of Egyptian.

con102 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsThe bipartisan delegation insisted on reinforcing US-Egyptian relations particularly in the areas of fighting the Jihadists in Sinai, defeating the Muslim Brotherhood violence in the country and protecting the Christian Coptic community from armed Islamist attacks.


The bipartisan commission consisted of Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Donna Edwards (D-MD), Steve King (R-IA), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Robert Pittenger (R-NC), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Lois Frankel (D-FL).  


The delegation traveled to Egypt in the wake of a major conference organized by Coptic Solidarity in Washington DC, in June, attended by a number of delegation participants.


A source in Coptic Solidarity said “there is a core group inside the US Congress, representing a majority in the House and the Senate that supports the Copts and wishes to see a democratic Egypt secured from al Qaeda.”

 con104 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsAn observer in Cairo said “these men and women from the US Congress helped clarifying to the Egyptian people that most Americans side with the Copts, secular and moderate Egyptians and stand with the Egyptian military against al Qaeda.


In the US, apologist media, sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood systematically continued to attack the members of the delegation for daring describing the Ikhwan as “extremists and terrorists,” which by the way is how an overwhelming majority of Egyptians perceive the Muslim Brotherhood toady.

 con103 Congressional Delegation Backs Egyptians as They Fight the JihadistsAfter the Washington Post and the New York Times, the Huffington Post and Business Insider also harshly attacked the delegation and particularly Representatives Michele Bachmann, Steve King and Louie Gohmert for standing with the popular majority and the military against the Ikhwan and the Jihadists. The writers in the apologist media are using the same arguments used by the Islamist lobby in the US.
