CS Releases "Congratulating Copts on Christmas Betrayal of Islam," Say Brotherhood...

“Congratulating Copts on Christmas Betrayal of Islam,” Say Brotherhood Youth


15404667 "Congratulating Copts on Christmas Betrayal of Islam," Say Brotherhood YouthMuslim Brotherhood Youth rejected that Coptic Christians be congratulated on the occasion of Christmas, and deliberated over Facebook demands to a ban such congratulate, considering them to be “haram” (illicit) in Islam, and even a betrayal of Islam.

One of these Youth, Amr Khaled, said to Al-Masry Al-Youm: “We do not accept certain fatwas (religious opinions) which try to falsify the facts in violation of the Sharia, and we will not congratulate Copts, because it is legally (according to Sharia) not permissible.” He added saying “we objected more than once to the Group’s leaders, due to their congratulating Copts despite knowing the illicitness (of such acts), but it’s politics that made (them act that way).

He added: “Sharia is clear, and being devout young people who are trying to follow the edicts of our religion, we cannot be in violation (of our religion) and allow congratulating (the Copts).”


Translated by CS from: http://beta.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/369710

?s=96&d=mm&r=g "Congratulating Copts on Christmas Betrayal of Islam," Say Brotherhood Youth


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15404667 "Congratulating Copts on Christmas Betrayal of Islam," Say Brotherhood YouthMuslim Brotherhood Youth rejected that Coptic Christians be congratulated on the occasion of Christmas, and deliberated over Facebook demands to a ban such congratulate, considering them to be “haram” (illicit) in Islam, and even a betrayal of Islam.

One of these Youth, Amr Khaled, said to Al-Masry Al-Youm: “We do not accept certain fatwas (religious opinions) which try to falsify the facts in violation of the Sharia, and we will not congratulate Copts, because it is legally (according to Sharia) not permissible.” He added saying “we objected more than once to the Group’s leaders, due to their congratulating Copts despite knowing the illicitness (of such acts), but it’s politics that made (them act that way).

He added: “Sharia is clear, and being devout young people who are trying to follow the edicts of our religion, we cannot be in violation (of our religion) and allow congratulating (the Copts).”


Translated by CS from: http://beta.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/369710