Conferences Conference 2013 Program

Conference 2013 Program



Coptic Solidarity Fourth Annual Conference


June 20-21, 2013


Washington, D.C. 


To What Extent Will the U.S. and the International Community Support an Islamist Government in Egypt?


 Click here to download the program (PDF)


June 20:Policy Day (Capitol Visitors Center, HVC 201, Near Congressional Auditorium)


9:00  –Opening remarks, by Coptic Solidarity President


9:15  –Session 1 

  • Chair: Dr. Walid Phares Co-Sec. General, Transatlantic Legislative Group
  • Ambassador R. James Woolsey Chairman, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Former Director of Central Intelligence.
  • Baroness CoxUK House of Lords.
  • Ambassador Ned WalkerFormer Amb. to Egypt; Distinguished Professor of Global Political Theory, Hamilton College


10:30  –Panel: What Next in Egypt?

  • Dr. Osama El-Ghazaly HarbChairman, Democratic Front Party; Member of the Salvation Front, Egypt.
  • Judge Ayman FouadRapporteur of the Freedoms Committee of the Judges’ Club’ in Egypt.
  • Q&A 

11:00  – 

  • Congressman Joseph R. Pitts  (R-PA).
  • Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL)
  • Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ)
  • Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ)
  • Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

12:00  –Leadership Award presentation to Congressman Frank Wolf

12:15  –Lunch break (sandwiches served in the room)

13:00  –Session 2 –

  • Chair:  Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).
  • Judith MillerAuthor, Journalist.
  • Keynote Speaker:  Judge Michael Mukasey – 81st. United States Attorney General; Partner,Debevoise & Plimpton LLP .
  • Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)
  • Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) – statement read on his behalf by staffer Lauren McCormack

14:15  –Thomas O. Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor


  • Q&A

14:45  –Amb. Suzan Johnson Cook, A.A.L Intl. Religious Freedom

Amb. Andrew Bennett, Bureau of Religious Freedom, Canada

15:00  –Panel – Liberties, between Violation and Reporting

  • Dwight Bashir, Deputy Director for Policy and Research USCIRF.
  • Jim KarigaynnisMP, Canadian House of Commons. 
  • Emilie Kao, Esq.Senior International Legal Counsel, previously at the Office of International Religious Freedom, the State Department.
  • Tina Ramirez, President, Hardwired Inc. NGO to promote religious freedom
  • Raymond IbrahimResearcher, author, columnist.       



 17:00  – E N D



June 21:  Conference (Dulles A/P Marriott Hotel)


9:00  –Panel – Minorities Rights under Islamist Rule

  • Chair: Raymond Ibrahim, Researcher, author, columnist.
  • Caroline Doss, Esq.,Coptic Solidarity Vice President.
  • Dr. Mariz Tadros, Institute of Development Studies, London, UK.
  • Rev. Keith Roderick, D.D., Secretary General, Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights (Remarks delivered by Dr. Helmy Guirguis, Coptic Solidarity Board Member).
  • Monica Mikhail, Esq., Australian Coptic Movement Association (ACM).

10:30  -Break

11:00  -Panel – Regional Security Issues

  • Chair: Colonel Ken Allard, former dean at the War College and NBC Military expert.
  • Admiral (Ret.) James Lyons, Jr., U.S. Navy Retired; President/CEO of LION Associates LLC.
  • Kathleen Troia “KT” McFarland, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, and FOX News National Security Analyst.
  • Special Speaker, E.W. Jackson, Virginia Lieutenant Governor candidate

 12:30 -Special session: Message from Russia

  • Alexey Komov, President World Congress of Families in Russia and CIS- Moscow  

12:45  –Lunch break

14:00  -Panel- Assessing the Brotherhood Regime – Internal & International roles

  • Chair: Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy.
  • Steve Emerson, Executive Director, The Investigative Project on Terrorism.
  • Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Chair for the Study of Islamic Radicalism, the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies.
  • Halim Meawad, Former diplomat, Secretary, Coptic Solidarity.
  • Q&A

15:30  –Break

16:00  -Panel – Current Political Crisis in Egypt

  • Chair: Magdi Khalil, Writer and analyst; Coptic Solidarity Board Member.
  • Dina Guirguis, Esq. – Egyptian American attorney.
  • Judge Ayman FouadRapporteur of the Freedoms Committee of the Judges’ Club’ in Egypt.
  • Dr. Adel KubeishMD, Political activist.
  • Dr Ehsan Kameel GeorgyHead of Forensics Department, Ministry of Justice, Cairo.
  • Q&A

 18:00  -(TBA)

 18:30  –E N D






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Coptic Solidarity Fourth Annual Conference


June 20-21, 2013


Washington, D.C. 


To What Extent Will the U.S. and the International Community Support an Islamist Government in Egypt?


 Click here to download the program (PDF)


June 20:Policy Day (Capitol Visitors Center, HVC 201, Near Congressional Auditorium)


9:00  –Opening remarks, by Coptic Solidarity President


9:15  –Session 1 

  • Chair: Dr. Walid Phares Co-Sec. General, Transatlantic Legislative Group
  • Ambassador R. James Woolsey Chairman, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Former Director of Central Intelligence.
  • Baroness CoxUK House of Lords.
  • Ambassador Ned WalkerFormer Amb. to Egypt; Distinguished Professor of Global Political Theory, Hamilton College


10:30  –Panel: What Next in Egypt?

  • Dr. Osama El-Ghazaly HarbChairman, Democratic Front Party; Member of the Salvation Front, Egypt.
  • Judge Ayman FouadRapporteur of the Freedoms Committee of the Judges’ Club’ in Egypt.
  • Q&A 

11:00  – 

  • Congressman Joseph R. Pitts  (R-PA).
  • Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL)
  • Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ)
  • Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ)
  • Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

12:00  –Leadership Award presentation to Congressman Frank Wolf

12:15  –Lunch break (sandwiches served in the room)

13:00  –Session 2 –

  • Chair:  Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).
  • Judith MillerAuthor, Journalist.
  • Keynote Speaker:  Judge Michael Mukasey – 81st. United States Attorney General; Partner,Debevoise & Plimpton LLP .
  • Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)
  • Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) – statement read on his behalf by staffer Lauren McCormack

14:15  –Thomas O. Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor


  • Q&A

14:45  –Amb. Suzan Johnson Cook, A.A.L Intl. Religious Freedom

Amb. Andrew Bennett, Bureau of Religious Freedom, Canada

15:00  –Panel – Liberties, between Violation and Reporting

  • Dwight Bashir, Deputy Director for Policy and Research USCIRF.
  • Jim KarigaynnisMP, Canadian House of Commons. 
  • Emilie Kao, Esq.Senior International Legal Counsel, previously at the Office of International Religious Freedom, the State Department.
  • Tina Ramirez, President, Hardwired Inc. NGO to promote religious freedom
  • Raymond IbrahimResearcher, author, columnist.       



 17:00  – E N D



June 21:  Conference (Dulles A/P Marriott Hotel)


9:00  –Panel – Minorities Rights under Islamist Rule

  • Chair: Raymond Ibrahim, Researcher, author, columnist.
  • Caroline Doss, Esq.,Coptic Solidarity Vice President.
  • Dr. Mariz Tadros, Institute of Development Studies, London, UK.
  • Rev. Keith Roderick, D.D., Secretary General, Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights (Remarks delivered by Dr. Helmy Guirguis, Coptic Solidarity Board Member).
  • Monica Mikhail, Esq., Australian Coptic Movement Association (ACM).

10:30  -Break

11:00  -Panel – Regional Security Issues

  • Chair: Colonel Ken Allard, former dean at the War College and NBC Military expert.
  • Admiral (Ret.) James Lyons, Jr., U.S. Navy Retired; President/CEO of LION Associates LLC.
  • Kathleen Troia “KT” McFarland, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, and FOX News National Security Analyst.
  • Special Speaker, E.W. Jackson, Virginia Lieutenant Governor candidate

 12:30 -Special session: Message from Russia

  • Alexey Komov, President World Congress of Families in Russia and CIS- Moscow  

12:45  –Lunch break

14:00  -Panel- Assessing the Brotherhood Regime – Internal & International roles

  • Chair: Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy.
  • Steve Emerson, Executive Director, The Investigative Project on Terrorism.
  • Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Chair for the Study of Islamic Radicalism, the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies.
  • Halim Meawad, Former diplomat, Secretary, Coptic Solidarity.
  • Q&A

15:30  –Break

16:00  -Panel – Current Political Crisis in Egypt

  • Chair: Magdi Khalil, Writer and analyst; Coptic Solidarity Board Member.
  • Dina Guirguis, Esq. – Egyptian American attorney.
  • Judge Ayman FouadRapporteur of the Freedoms Committee of the Judges’ Club’ in Egypt.
  • Dr. Adel KubeishMD, Political activist.
  • Dr Ehsan Kameel GeorgyHead of Forensics Department, Ministry of Justice, Cairo.
  • Q&A

 18:00  -(TBA)

 18:30  –E N D