News Chairman and Ranking Member of Congress Foreign Affairs Committee...

Chairman and Ranking Member of Congress Foreign Affairs Committee Issue Statement on Ongoing Events in Egypt


“The decision by the Egyptian military to take state authority out of the hands of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood government marks another sharp turning point in Egypt’s incomplete revolution.  What the Brotherhood neglected to understand is that democracy means more than simply holding elections.  Real democracy requires inclusiveness, compromise, respect for human and minority rights, and a commitment to the rule of law.  Morsi and his inner circle did not embrace any of these principles and instead chose to consolidate power and rule by fiat.  As a result the Egyptian people and their economy suffered greatly.

“It is now up to the Egyptian military to demonstrate that the new transitional government can and will govern in a transparent manner and work to return the country to democratic rule.  We are encouraged that a broad cross-section of Egyptians will gather to rewrite the constitution.  All parties in Egypt must show restraint, prevent violence, and prepare to be productive players in the future democratic Egypt.  We encourage the military to exercise extreme caution moving forward and support sound democratic institutions through which the people and future governments can flourish.”


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Chairman and Ranking Member of Congress Foreign Affairs Committee Issue Statement on Ongoing Events in Egypt


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“The decision by the Egyptian military to take state authority out of the hands of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood government marks another sharp turning point in Egypt’s incomplete revolution.  What the Brotherhood neglected to understand is that democracy means more than simply holding elections.  Real democracy requires inclusiveness, compromise, respect for human and minority rights, and a commitment to the rule of law.  Morsi and his inner circle did not embrace any of these principles and instead chose to consolidate power and rule by fiat.  As a result the Egyptian people and their economy suffered greatly.

“It is now up to the Egyptian military to demonstrate that the new transitional government can and will govern in a transparent manner and work to return the country to democratic rule.  We are encouraged that a broad cross-section of Egyptians will gather to rewrite the constitution.  All parties in Egypt must show restraint, prevent violence, and prepare to be productive players in the future democratic Egypt.  We encourage the military to exercise extreme caution moving forward and support sound democratic institutions through which the people and future governments can flourish.”
