Young Copts Section

Not all Coptic youths on board with church’s support of Sisi

Hossam Rabie - Al-MonitorThe last time Bishoy William went to church was two years ago. Like many of his peers in Egypt, he does not...

Session: International Legal Definitions of Persecution at Coptic Solidarity’s 9th Annual Policy Day

Session: International Legal Definitions of Persecution Hosted during Coptic Solidarity's 9th Annual Policy Day on June 21, 2018 in the Capitol Hill Visitor Center.Moderator: Dr. George...

US Legislators’ Speeches at Coptic Solidarity’s 9th Annual Policy Day

Below you can watch the speeches given by US Legislators at Coptic Solidarity's 9th Annual Policy Day in the Capitol Visitor Center on June...

Halls of Power

By Jonathan Adly -9th Annual Conference Guest SpeakerSession: ‘Our Responsibility Towards our Family in Egypt: Engaging Young Copts in the Diaspora’   As I walked...

An Organization Helping Egyptian Christians

By Henry Srebrnik - Summerside Journal-Pioneer, July 9, 2018, p. A4The mission of Coptic Solidarity, located in the Washington DC region, is to increase awareness...

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ليس صحيحاً أنّ داعش هي التي قامت بتفجيرات اليوم!!! هذه هي الجهة الفعلية التي قامت بها

أليتيا ـتبنّى تنظيم داعش الإرهابي  اعتداءي كنيستي طنطا والإسكندرية...