Press Releases

Memo to the Prime Minister of Egypt from the Forum of Independent Human Rights NGOs on Practical Steps to Ensure Full Citizenship

Jan. 19, 2011The reactions to the illegal bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria demonstrate that religious and sectarian tensions have reached dangerous...

large demonstration in Paris on Jan 7, 2011

L’association Solidarité Copte condamne fermement le massacre odieux des Coptes (Les chrétiens égyptiens d’origine) par les islamistes bestiaux.  Le Cadeau du Nouvel An aux...

A New-Year Gift for the Copts : Yet Another Massacre

Coptic Solidarity vehemently condemns the odious deadly attack waged againstthe Copts (native Christians of Egypt) by beastly-minded Islamists.A powerful explosion took place outside a...

A barbaric attack by egypt’s security forces against the copts

Coptic Solidarity condemns the brutal attack by the State Security forces on November 24 against the Coptic community in the district of Omrania,...

A barbaric attack by egypt’s security forces against the copts

Coptic Solidarity condemns the brutal attack by the State Security forces on November 24 against the Coptic community in the district of Omrania,...

Alarming campaign of incitement against the copts in egypt

Coptic Solidarity warned today that the recent campaign of intimidation and incitements targeting the Copts in Egypt is on the rise.The Copts are...

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