Press Releases

C S Statement (Arabic) on Current Development in Egypt”

     منـظمة التضــــــامن القبـطي١٠ مارس ٢٠١١(Media Release)   بيان حول التطورات الجارية على الساحة المصرية إذ نثق في رغبة ونوايا ودور المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة، وكافة القوى...

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for Democratic transformation and secure accountability of the Mubarak Regime  Press release From Civil Society...


The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for Democratic transformation and secure accountability of the Mubarak Regime Press release From Civil Society...

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for Democratic transformation and secure accountability of the Mubarak Regime  Press release From Civil Society...

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for

   The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors fordemocratic transformation and secure accountability of the Mubarakregime                                     Press release From Civil Society...

Coptic Solidarity Statement: Are Egypt’s Military Rulers Flirting with Islamists?

Urgent Media Release –Feb. 18, 2011On February 15, 2011, Egypt’s Military Council, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces,formed a panel charged with drafting...

Statement from Coptic Solidarity on Change in Egypt

The steps taken by President Mubarak in face of the current popular ‘uprising’ have been toolittle and too late. The effects of the chaos,...

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Statement from Coptic Solidarity on Change in Egypt

The steps taken by President Mubarak in face of...

Coptic Shop Bombed by “Muslim Brotherhood”

The shop of a Coptic Christian located in Qena,...


In October the Supreme Court of Pakistan acquitted and released Asia Bibi after a long legal battle, during which Islamic radicals assassinated a Pakistani official for supporting her cause.