
Pakistan’s blasphemy laws persecute the weakest of the weak

By Farahnaz Ispahani - CNNEditor's note: Farahnaz Ispahani is a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a senior fellow for...

The government agrees to settle the situation of 53 churches and affiliated services buildings in the governorates

Coptic Solidarity Editorial Note:It is reported (see below) that the Egyptian cabinet has authorized 53 Christian worship buildings. The complete list presented last November...

Christians Warn Against al-Azhar Influence in Egypt’s Curriculum

By Claire Evans - International Christian ConcernDuring the last year, Egypt’s Christians experienced persecution in ever increasing waves. Though ISIS accounted for the vast majority...

U.S. Efforts to Protect Religious Minorities

By Knox Thames - DIPNOTE - U.S. Department of State Official BlogPROTECT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND RELIGIOUS MINORITIES: We will advocate on behalf of religious freedom...

An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)

By Bassam Ramadan - Al-Masry a-Youm – Feb. 14/2018 -(Translated by Coptic Solidarity)  A member of the American House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher, said that...

Egypt Honors Slain Coptic Christians, But Fails to Protect the Living

By Lela Gilbert - NewsMaxA touching news story surfaced a few days ago, briefly casting a flicker of light across Egypt’s shadowy heartland.The report...

Facebook “Intellectually Terrorizes” A Human Rights Activist

By Magdi Khalil - FrontPage MagazineEditor’s note: Magdi Khalil, an Egyptian-born human right’s activist and Copt now living in America, explains how he escaped...

Is the West finally pushing Saudi Arabia to squelch its version of radical Islam?

By Nina Shea - Fox NewsThe West is showing evidence of a newly stiffened spine in the face of Saudi Arabian influence on Islamic...

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