
Meditation: The Temptation of St. Anthony of Alexandria

    He Spent the Night Alone in an Abandoned Tomb   One day Saint Anthony, then aged 35, decided to spend the night alone in an abandoned...

Egypt’s Public Negative on All Regional Players – Except Itself

  Slide-share of David Pollock's Polling on Egyptian Public Opinion from Fikra Forum   Muslim Brotherhood Still Has Some Support; Islamic Reform Lags Behind   A clear majority of...

The Salafi Party Breaks Up, the Salafi Mood Breaks Out

    But does this mean we can sleep reassured and have nice dreams?   Absolutely not. For although the Salafi party is breaking up, the Salafi mood...

In Defense of Europe’s Inheritance

    (Angela Merkel) is begging small favors from weaker powers on temporary matters in exchange for broad concessions with far-reaching ramifications.   The death of Europe is...

The Difference between Voting and Democracy: Egypt’s Parliamentary Race

  In practice, however, societies are complex bodies with an array of competing interests, and the interests of those in power regularly differ from those...

Russian Intervention Shatters Turkey’s Neo-Ottomanist Dreams for Syria

    During the 13 years of its rule, Turkey's government, led by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), steered the country away from its traditional...

Will the Upcoming Parliament be Forfeited?

  Given that the parties are admittedly Islamic-based, fears and speculations abound that the non-constitutional situation threatens to halt the elections or even dissolve the...

A Path Out of the Middle East Collapse

  The debate about whether the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran regarding its nuclear program stabilized the Middle East’s strategic framework had barely...

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Take a Thorough Look at Human Rights Abuses in Egypt

The hearing, titled American NGOs Under Attack in Morsi's...

Photo Gallery

Coptic Solidarity Third Annual ConferencePhoto Galley Day 1: Day 2: