
ISIS Is Guilty of Anti-Christian Genocide

    Christians throughout the world will mark Monday, Feb. 15, as a day to remember the courage and religious fortitude of 21 Coptic Christians who...

Anniversary of the 21 Coptic Christians Martyred in Libya

    The Egyptians and their friend from Ghana who were brutally murdered, were not statesmen, religious leaders, activists or spokesmen; but ordinary men from Egyptian...

The Islamic State Is Still on the Rise

    The self-declared “caliphate” that in June 2014 was localized in Iraq and Syria now has nearly 50 affiliates or supporting groups in 21 countries....

We Cannot Ignore this Genocide

    Just before Christmas 75 parliamentarians, from both Houses and all parties – including the former head of our Armed Forces, the ex-head of MI5,...

My Secret Policeman

    The officer, who identified himself by rank and first name only, did correctly name other places I had visited, including some I had not...

Fatma Naoot An Egyptian Icon

A faithful believer in the Almighty, espousing and living His dicta, totally alien to totalitarianism, barbarism, vindictiveness, mendacity, meanness of spirit and all the...

In Turkey, Islamism and Pluralism Don’t Mix

    I have no idea how many justice ministers in the democratically civilized world have to make speeches arguing that their country is not a...

The Storm that Never Happened in Egypt

    Two factors played a role in making the day a storm that never happened: The wave of threats by security authorities that force will...

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