
What Do the Copts Mean for the Arab Spring?

For example: On March 4, a mob of Muslims in the village of Sol rioted against Copts and their property, angered by controversy over a...

WP: The Increasing Fears of Egyptians

I came here with an anti-poverty group called “For You, My Country!” that provides job training and small loans. Entering through a dusty courtyard,...

Muslim Brotherhood Makes Fools of Naive West

How moderate can you get?Some details. The Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party dominates the 11-party Democratic Alliance (again, a nice “moderate” name). The Alliance...

Revolutions without Intellectuals

The absence of such figures in the Arab Spring is partly a measure of the pressures Arab intellectuals have lived under in recent decades,...

Bloomberg: Sawiris Says Egypt Risks Becoming Iran

Sawiris thought it was funny. Muslims accused him of mocking their religion.Sawiris, the founder of Orascom Telecom Holding SAE, apologized to his 139,000 Twitter...

Welcome to the Islamist Middle East, and It’s Not Going to be Moderate

The Free Officers movement took over Egypt and there followed more than a half-century of war, anti-Western hysteria, terrorism, repression, social stagnation, and the...

Anyone Here Remember Egypt?

Not even the fact that CBS’s “60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan was sexually assaulted by a gang during one of those “pro-democracy” demonstrations in...

Standing Up for Egypt’s Coptic Christians

Steven Cook, a senior fellow for Middle East studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said Christians face what he called a "pretty tenuous situation"...

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