
Stomping on Human Rights in Egypt

Suppression of activists and NGOs, including foreign groups, is standard operating procedure for authoritarian regimes, as events in Russia, Venezuela, Belarus and China show....

“How Can We Remain Silent While Christians Are Being Persecuted?”

These dividing lines are now being made into battle lines by hardline Salafists, who are emerging as victors of the Arab Spring. They belong...

Iraq’s Christians Near Extinction

The attacks, which have received little international attention, raged through northern cities following a sermon last Friday by a local mullah. Video purportedly from...

Is Egypt Becoming Another Pakistan?

Over the last 40 or so years, Pakistan has seen military coups led by generals Zia-ul-Haq and Pervez Musharraf. In the Pakistani power equation,...

Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists: Same Goals; Different Strategies

Knowing it could again be shut down at any moment, the Brotherhood was careful. There were frequent arrests. The Brotherhood leadership declared a strategy...

The Specter of Jizya Returns to Egypt

Earlier, Abu Shadi, another Salafi leader—though not one running for office, and so extra candid—announced that Egypt's Christians must either convert to Islam, pay...

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Egypt’s Jihad Organizations Call for Christian Genocide

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How One Coptic Woman Made Egyptian Parliamentary History

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