
Egypt’s Full-Frontal Assault on Civil Society

Aboulnaga omitted from her Post column scurrilous charges she made against us last fall. “Evidence indicates an unequivocal desire and persistence to thwart any...

The Tradition of Breaking the Cross in Islam

This was no "furious mob" on a "rampage," as a Daily Mail report put it. Nor was there any evidence in what they were...

Give Up on the Middle East!

We won the first Gulf War in 1991. Then most of our forces left the region. The result was the mass murder of the...

Sacrificing Middle East Christians When Needed

Resettling Lebanese Christians on the other hand, would be far more difficult, although economics forced many to uproot themselves and seek more peaceful shores....

Obama’s Islamist Agenda: President Backed Every Uprising Except Iran’s Pro-Western One

He has encouraged Arab street revolts against corrupt autocracies. Long-standing American allies, such as former Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak, were abandoned. Yet, contrary to...

Washington Wakes Up to Islamist Egypt

Since Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, it has received $70 billion from the United States in military and civilian grants. Civilian grants...

Eastern Christians and the Arab Spring

For centuries, France has had a special mission with respect to the Eastern Christians. It will not shy from it. That is why in...

Eastern Christians and the Arab Spring

For centuries, France has had a special mission with respect to the Eastern Christians. It will not shy from it. That is why in...

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Obama’s Mideast Policies Are Paid for in Christian Blood

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At 15%, Women’s Representation in New Parliament Highest in Egypt’s History

    After parliamentary elections saw voters elect 75 women out...