
Saudi Arabia Relentlessly Supporting Jihadist Terror

By German Foreign Policy (via AINA) -With its continued worldwide support for Salafis, Germany's close partner, Saudi Arabia, is relentlessly fertilizing the soil for the...

Coptic Solidarity Conference to Focus on Discrimination and Civil Rights In Egypt

For Immediate Release(Washington, DC) June 6, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity will host its 8th Annual Conference in Washington, DC on June 15-16, 2017. The conference...

في جذور الإرهاب: المناظرة العظمى الجديدة

د. عبد المنعم سعيد ـ المصري اليوم ـهناك مدرستان لتفسير ظاهرة الإرهاب: الأولى، والشائعة بشدة فى الغرب والليبراليين واليساريين فى عموم العالم بما فيها...

Egypt is in dire shape. Yet how I wish I could go back.

By Nancy Okail - The Washington Post -Today is the anniversary of the day an Egyptian court sentenced me to five years in prison....

Defeating Extremist Islam – A Western Imperative

By Saied Shoaaib - Gatestone Institute - The infiltration of this ideology is reminiscent of the spread of communism and should be defeated similarly...

Egypt’s Government Can’t Crush Independent Journalism

By Lina Attalah – The New York Times -As we were winding up the day on May 24 at the office of Mada Masr,...

This time condolences are not enough

By Ziad Bahaa-Eldin - Ahram -Condolences to the families of the terrorist attack victims in Minya, and the entire Egyptian people, are necessary. But this time...

شرق أوسط بلا مسيحيين

د. جمال عبد الجواد ـ الأهرام ـيشير الاعتداء الذى تعرض له المسيحيون من زوار دير الأنبا صموائيل فى المنيا إلى أن العقل الإجرامى الذى...

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