
Egypt Must Tackle Its Sectarian Problems Head on

Last week's flare-up was classic: a banal dispute between a Christian laundryman and a Muslim customer plunged the entire village of Dahshour, south of...

‘Why Nations Fail’: Is Egypt’s New Democracy Real or a Sham?

A closer analogy may be Turkey. After 80 years of military rule that held power and economic opportunity very closely, the military was dislodged...

Protect Religious Freedom In Egypt

Democratically-elected Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has repeatedly stated that he intends to be president of all the Egyptian people.  Although he is affiliated with...

A Bloody Incident in the Sinai

The strike presented, as probably was intended, an immediate and urgent test of the ability of Mr. Morsi’s new administration to cooperate with the...

Syria’s Crumbling Pluralism: Christians and Other Minorities Targeted by Sunni Rebels Turn Back to al-Assad for Protection

His home, in Midan in southern Damascus, came under attack during an intense battle last week between the opposition Free Syrian Army and government...

Egypt’s Beleaguered Christians Worry About Persecution, Neglect Under Morsi

Police arrested and tried 20 people – 12 Christians and eight Muslims – for their involvement in the clashes, during which Muslim crowds attacked and burned...

American Islamist Groups Shape Arab Revolutions

Khafagi's election platform was the essence of Islamism: "complete the implementation of Islamic law in Egypt." He also remarked that he "never loved" America,...

The Religious Silence on Christian Persecution

Yet Mr. Nadarkhani has almost none of the name recognition that Messrs. Mandela and Sharansky had. Despite the increasing ferocity with which Christians are...

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