
Why the U.S. Must Oppose Blasphemy Laws — Not Just Their Abuse

Christians, Ahmadiyyas, Shiites, and Hindu have been disproportionately targeted under Pakistan's blasphemy law. But moderate and reformist Muslims from the country's Sunni majority have...

The Mideast’s Vanishing Christians

Take the example of the Islamic Republic of Iran, where there are as many as 270,000  Christians. In a scarcely noted June report by the International Campaign...

The Widening Salafi Crescent

A new Salafi Crescent, radiating from the Persian Gulf sheikdoms into the Levant and North Africa, is one of the most underappreciated and disturbing...

The Brotherhood Is Wedded to Its Ideology

Given some of the other moves that Morsi and those around him have made, there is reason to be concerned. Morsi has appointed a...

Muslim Brotherhood ‘Crucifies’ Opponents, Attacks Secular Media

That there were attacks and violence—both in front of Egypt's presidential palace and at major media facilities—is well-documented. An August 9 report by El...

Action Alert: Support Bill to Help Persecuted Christians

Because time is running out—on several fronts, from the life of the bill to the lives of religious-minorities—Coptic Solidarity, which focused its third annual...

Stand up for Religious Minorities in Middle East

Beyond Iraq, Egypt under President Mubarak tolerated widespread bias against dissident Sunni and Shi'a Muslims and Baha'is, as well as Christians, while letting state-controlled...

Copts fear future under Islamist rule

After the new cabinet had been sworn in by President Mohamed Morsi, the Prime Minister, Hisham Qandil, said that it was time for Egyptians...

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هذا ما فعله البابا فرنسيس بعد استقباله شيخ الأزهر

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Clinton: Military Must Hand Power to Egypt Presidential Winner

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