
Egypt’s Government and Media Conspire Against Christian Copts

From top to bottom, from the Muslim Brotherhood president to the Muslim Brotherhood-monitored media, the lies concerning Egypt's Christian minority--whether lies from the President,...

Islamization of Egypt Could Spark Coptic Awakening

Coptic ExodusPro-Muslim Brotherhood forces recently tore down a stage built by those opposing President Mohammed Morsi.It's just one example of how Egypt is becoming...

An Islamist Power Grab in Tunisia

A year later, we have no democracy, no trust in elected officials, no improved constitution. Human rights and women’s rights are threatened. The economy...

The New Sharia Egypt

Obama, it must be recalled, applauded the "Arab Spring" from the beginning. He spoke with satisfaction in February 2011 about "the peaceful transition to...

Sifting the Numbers for a Winner

The number that may matter the most is Mr. Obama's 47.2% share. As the incumbent, he's likely to find that number going into Election...

An Election with Little Reach

The source of the confusion is clear. Shards of harsh rhetoric from this nasty campaign drift across the Atlantic. Many Europeans are aware that...

In Turkey, a Break From the Secularist Past

In years past the military elite would never have stood beside women wearing a symbol long at the center of Turkey’s struggle over the...

Islamism’s Unity

These statements reassured Americans that if long-bearded and burqa'ed crazies want to kill them, moderate-sounding Islamists in ties and hijabs are civilized, law-abiding allies....

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Wish You a Blessed Nativity

                    ________________________________ Coptic Nativity icon by Hertfordshire-based iconographer Fadi Mikhail