
Egyptian Jihadist Seeks Destruction of Pyramids, Sphinx

An Egyptian jihad leader, with self-professed links to the Taliban, called for the “destruction of the Sphinx and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt,” drawing...

Washington Warily Watches Emerging New Egypt

Or as Raymond Ibrahim, an Egyptian-American Coptic writer, puts it: “Definitely, he’s hiding. He was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. If you are...

Duty of the Copts

The answer is yes provided the Copts are willing to do what it takes to realize their true potential. Will it be easy? Of...

Tora Bora of Egypt ?

   A grim reality has dawned on Egyptians in recent weeks, shattering the idyllic image long cherished about Sinai. The peninsula is sliding into...

Obama’s Dilemma: Egypt Is Looking More Like Pakistan

“The Arab Spring has given the heart of the Muslim world a real stability. But it has also given Al Qaeda enormous opportunities to...

What Obama Should Have Done in the Last Four Years and Won’t Do in the Next Four Years

What he should have done and should do now: Do what Franklin Rooosevelt did in 1941 and Harry Truman in 1947 and George Bush...

In Egypt, a Delicate Balance Between Political and Jihadi Salafists

Said isn't a terrorist; he's the spokesman for the Salafi Front, which now contains two political parties: Al Nour, which won 83 seats in...

Muslim Brothers Walk Over Obama

The Brotherhood’s first response to the attack—to praise it and schedule its own protests—was not surprising. The Obama administration’s pursuit of friendly engagement with...

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