
Paralyzed by Political Correctness, the West Looks On As Egypt and Syria Follow Iran into Islamofascism

Oh dear, it wasn’t meant to turn out like this at all! When the Egyptian uprising began almost two years ago, it was cheered...

Egypt and the Death of the ‘Arab Spring’

The Associated Press reported that the draft constitution "largely reflects the conservative vision of the Islamists, with articles that rights activists, liberals and Christians...

Europe’s Response to Morsi’s New Powers

The reason is that last Thursday, November 22, Morsi granted himself sweeping new powers. He declared that no court, not even the constitutional court,...

Muslim Brotherhood Tyrants Show Their True Faces

"The term 'Muslim Brotherhood,'" he said, "is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group,...

The Draft Constitution: Some Controversial Stipulations

Several of the articles passed have been a matter of contention. Egypt Independent attempts to identify articles that raised concerns amongst experts in the...

Obama Abandons Arab Moderates

It would seem obvious that the United States has a great interest in seeing moderate forces prevail. Those forces — consisting often of groups...

From Tahrir to Tel Aviv

In Egypt, some things, of course, stayed very much the same. The new Islamist president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, has not broken the peace...

Sinai, Route for Smuggled Weapons, New Battleground in Israel-Palestinian Turmoil

Even as the Israeli government and the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza agree on a ceasefire, the significance of this deal is diluted by...

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Christian Copts in Upper Egypt are under attack, hours...

Coptic Youth Demonstrate in Front of UN Office in Cairo to Protest Persecution

The Maspero Youth Union have shown their concern regarding...

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