
U.S. Needs to Show Egypt Some Tough Love

The Obama administration has treated Egypt primarily as an economic problem and has urged Cairo to move quickly to satisfy International Monetary Fund (IMF)...

The Belly Dancing Barometer

Sometime in the next few months, Morsi is to visit the White House. He has only one chance to make a second impression if...

Middle East Still a Long Way from Democratic Peace

This pattern is on display in Egypt. A cloud of mob violence hangs over the country. In the lead-up to the adoption of a...

Mohamed Morsi Mubarak: The Myth of Egypt’s Democratic Transition

Youthful political activist Ahmad Douma captured this reality perfectly in his retort to Abdel Moneim Abul Fettouh’s initiative for dialogue with Morsi: “this is...

State of the Union a Missed Opportunity on the Mideast

There was no mention of a fight against the Taliban after 2014. Does that mean that there will be a political engagement or even...

The Muslim Brotherhood’s 213-Year “Revolution”

To understand this hostile historical view, it is worth examining Muslim Brotherhood party leader Abdel Mawgoud Al-Dardery's recent talk at the Council on Foreign...

The Maspero Massacre: Adding Injustice to Insult and Injury

Coptic and Muslim activists alike have long awaited action from the Egyptian judicial system for the crimes that were committed that evening – namely,...

Saudi Hypocrisy At Its Best

Enter Saudi Arabia. Birthplace of Islam, the Arabian kingdom is also the one Muslim nation that regularly sponsors interfaith initiatives in the West—even as...

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