
An Attempt at De-Christianizing Egypt

The first step has been a long time coming. In the recent history of Egypt this was in the form of the birth of...

Historic Meeting between Pope Francis and Tawadros II

The historic meeting last week between Pope Francis and Tawadros II, the Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, is the latest example of efforts...

New Book Explores Oppression, Egypt’s Copts, and the State

The café is buzzing with movement. It is lunchtime in Sydney's central business district, and many office workers are darting around the place. Although...

Egypt Adrift

The line at two free health clinics run by the Muslim Brotherhood stretches out the door. Around the corner, at a stand by the...

Rival Islamic Groups Battle to Shape Egypt’s Future

This fight has already had economic consequences and political implications as rival groups battle for popular advantage on issues such as a new market...

Islam vs. Islamism

As a participant in the latter debate, here's my argument for focusing on Islamism.Those focusing on Islam itself as the problem (such as ex-Muslims...

The Crushing of Middle Eastern Christianity

These government restrictions and social hostilities directed against Christians are causing many to flee the region. In the early twentieth century, Christians accounted for...

Why the Copts Matter in Egypt

We forget that men such as Pythagoras, Plato, Solon and Thales learnt their trade at the feet of the priest at On, near present...

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The economy is hemorrhaging reserves and incapable of securing...

My Secret Policeman

    The officer, who identified himself by rank and first...

Coptic Solidarity Honors Representative Frank Wolf’s Legacy of Support for Coptic Community

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity honors...