
What’s Wrong with Promoting Religious Freedom?

The United States has been promoting religious freedom abroad for some time. Americans have been official evangelists on its behalf at least since the...

Take a Thorough Look at Human Rights Abuses in Egypt

The hearing, titled American NGOs Under Attack in Morsi's Egypt, will examine last week’s shocking Egyptian court verdicts convicting 43 representatives of foreign non-governmental...

Can Islamists and Secularists Coexist?

The other is less violent, but arguably more urgent: the battle for power among political Islamists and secularists in predominantly Sunni states such as...

Egypt Breaks Faith On Religious Freedom

For many, this historic election was a hopeful step toward democracy and respect for human rights. Yet today, one year later, hope is flagging...

What the United States Should Have Said to Egypt about the NGO Trial

It put them on trial in the first place essentially for conducting post-revolution democracy seminars and election trainings with foreign funding (especially monies from...

Copts Under Mursi: Defiance in the Face of Denial

Sectarian violence has increased in both frequency and intensity. The record is incomplete, for many cases go unreported. But data from Egyptian press reports...

Make Room for Islamistgate: The Obama Administration’s New Scandal

You may think that you know about this subject but it goes far beyond what you have heard about. The majority of groups and...

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