
At Last, The Secret of President Barack Obama’s Middle East Policy Revealed, No Kidding

First, let’s remember that in the face of advancing totalitarianism in the Middle East, U.S. policy completely failed. Imagine, if you wish, what would...

Barack’s Plan B for the Brotherhood

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel got on the phone to the Egyptian military and proved to be about as effective as he had been...

Democracy Doesn’t On Its Own Mean Effective Government

The Muslim Brotherhood was unable to shift from being an opposition movement to being a government. Of course governments govern badly or well or...

Don’t Cry for Democracy: Army Saved Egypt from Islamist Dictatorship

There was even a smattering of sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Bloomberg News described its radicalization as a result of years of oppression, and...

‘The Army Had No Choice’ in Egypt

The indications that more violence could lie in the country's near future are many. Thousands of Morsi supporters are still camped out in Cairo,...

Egypt’s Revolution Part II

I’ve seen an Iranian election where Iranian voters – who were only allowed to choose between six candidates pre-approved by Iran’s clerical leadership –...

Defending the Coup

Democracy, the argument goes, will eventually calm extremism. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood may come into office with radical beliefs, but then they have...

It’s Time to Work With Egypt’s Generals

The Egyptian officers are heavily dependent on U.S. military assistance for their all-American equipped forces. We should be communicating to them through private, not...

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