
10 Reasons U.S. Influence Has Fallen in the Middle East

Relations between Israel and the United States remain good, and Israel—under U.S. pressure—has agreed to renew talks with the Palestinians. Still, Israel continues to...

Putin and the American People Shaped the Syria Outcome

As I went to pay, I was looking down, fishing for my Swiss francs, and when I looked up at the cashier, I was...

How Egypt’s Coptic Christians Can Keep the Arab Spring Fresh

 The anger erupted in July after the military ousted President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. Many Islamists held the Coptic Christians, who are...

A Policy, Please, for the Mideast

 The groups that might use such weapons are most likely to be in the Middle East. That region is also the most likely one...

The United States’ Islamist Allies of Convenience

 U.S. President Barack Obama has stressed that a punitive attack on Syria is not off the table, particularly if the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad does not comply...

Startling Parallels: Obama Appeasement Policy and British Intelligence Files on Hitler

The day after Hitler took power, on January 30, 1933, the Times of London, (a newspaper like the New York Times) editorialized. “That Herr Hitler who leads...

King of Jordan’s Defence of Arab Christians Amplifies Silence of Western Leaders

Concerned about the marginalisation and violent persecution of Christians since the Arab Spring, Jordan’s royal family invited more than 70 high-ranking representatives of Middle...

A Plea for Caution From Russia

The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.The United Nations’ founders understood...

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