
Kenya, Pakistan, Egypt — It Is Now Open Season on Christians

The explosions were triggered to cause the maximum number of deaths and maimings-- when the congregation left the morning service in the city's Kohati...

Syrian Rebels Say: We Demand Radical Islamism; U. S. Says: We Can’t Hear You!

What about the U.S-backed Free Syrian Army? As the Syria expert Dr. Jonathan Spyer put it: “This is much of the Free Syrian Army.” The...

Egypt’s Muslim Brothers Have Three Options for Moving Forward After the Ban

To some extent, the court’s decision reinforces the decapitation strategy that the military has pursued against the Brotherhood since it toppled Mohamed Morsi on...

Have Islamist Jihadis Declared World War?

Their names may be different, their locations far apart, but the doctrine that binds them is the same — jihad. Whether it is Boko Haraam...

Media Silent on Islamist War on Christians

I’m waiting for someone in the mainstream media to admit the facts. Matt Lauer and NBC News made headlines when they declared there was a...

What If Insurgents Close the Suez Canal?

The week before, suicide bombers killed nine soldiers in the peninsula. Shootings, kidnappings and bombings -- roadside, car and suicide -- have become routine...

Egypt’s New Constitution: Secular or Sectarian?

It would be naïve to ignore the fact that constitutions are based on civilizations derived from religious sources. However, to establish a constitution based...

Obama’s Move to Arm Al Qaeda in Syria

 Section 40, "Transactions With Countries Supporting Acts of International Terrorism," and Section 40(a), "Prohibited Transactions by the United States Government," ban sending munitions to...

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