
The Muslim Brotherhood President

With the Egyptian economy in crisis and Egypt strongly dependent on this aid, Obama has just effectively cast his vote for the Muslim Brotherhood’s...

Egypt’s Kristallnacht

The sledgehammers and petrol left more than 1,000 synagogues burnt and over 7,000 Jewish shops and businesses in ruins. The streets were covered...

Obama Just Made a Terrible Mistake on Egypt

Over 1,000 people have been killed in the military-backed government’s crackdown on pro-Morsi protests; journalists who criticize the military have been prosecuted in military courts;...

U.S. Aid to Egypt: A View from Israel

But he refrained from using the “coup” word for what had happened in Egypt in July (though that is it was), because doing so...

Who’s Responsible for the Attacks Against the Copts?

The Gamaa al-Islamiya group also issued a denial. Which begs the question of who then were the criminal masterminds behind the attacks, and what...

Lessons from the Yom Kippur War

Four decades later, we have much to learn from this experience. Now, as then, the forces of the Free World are ignoring the nature...

Perilous Dalliance with Egyptian Extremists

It’s worthless paper.” Badly jet-lagged, I testily replied that some humility might be in order since the American government, backer of the aforementioned...

Is This the End of the Failed Muslim Brotherhood Project?

The blow the Brotherhood has received in Egypt is exceptionally severe. Most of its senior leaders are under arrest, and its ability to mount...

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Farewell to a Giant, Dr. Selim Naguib

Coptic Solidarity Executive Committee deeply regrets the departure of...