
Edict of Milan, Forever?

Most of the town's 3,000 residents have fled, literally taking the road to Damascus to avoid being punished for practicing Christianity.Stories like this have...

The Jihadist Cleansing of Christianity From the Holy Land

And in Nigeria, according to Reuters, "fearing attacks by Islamist militant group Boko Haram over Christmas, Nigerian police said on Sunday they had ordered...

Can Muslim Lands Learn to Tolerate Christianity?

The violence, of course, is not restricted by the calendar. In recent months, we’ve seen Coptic Christians gunned down in Cairo and churches burned....

In Hoc Anno Domini

Everywhere there was civil order, for the arm of the Roman law was long. Everywhere there was stability, in government and in society, for...

A Grim Outlook for Christianity

The outlook is unremittingly grim for Christians in many parts of the world. In some of the darker corners, there are Christians for whom...

The End of Advent

Well, for one thing we can hope that these suffering Christians recall that the birth of Jesus took place in the midst of just...

How South Sudan Leaders Squandered Nation-Building Effort

On December 15, fighting erupted in Juba that has swiftly spread beyond the capital along ethnic faultlines, exposing the failure of national reconciliation efforts,...

Persecution at Christmastime

The reason is religious persecution. Christians will always be persecuted, the Scriptures tell us, but the unbearable scope of this wave is due to...

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Last Monday, Demain Islamists mobbed the house of Bishay’s...

State Dept.: ‘We Haven’t Taken Sides’ in Egypt

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