
You Still Don’t Understand Islamism, Do You?

There was a secret debate happening in the Defense Department and the CIA in which some people thought that all Muslims were a problem,...

Shame on The New York Times

Then comes the turn of commentators among the various parties involved with respect to which diverse viewpoints should be covered as fairly as possible....

What Pope Francis Gets Wrong About Dialogue with Islam

The Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii gaudium" is often presented as Pope Francis' pastoral program, delivered a few months into his pontificate. It reveals the open,...

A Tinderbox Waiting for a Spark in Egypt?

The generals who removed Morsi are engaged in an existential struggle with the Muslim Brotherhood: They believe they must destroy the Brotherhood—by, for instance,...

Egypt’s New Year’s resolution

These latter tend to be fulfilled. The former wishes involve “material” usually transient gains such as: I will lose 30 Lbs of weight or...

A Bad Year for Christians in the Middle East

In some countries, persecution and the resultant flight of the persecuted clouds the very future of these communities, some of which have existed for...

As Persecution of Christians Intensifies, Freedom Of Thought Is at Risk

Other faiths also suffer varying degrees of persecution--Jews, Hindus, Bahai's, and Muslims, the latter sometimes even in Muslim countries. However, nonbelievers also are often...

Egypt in the Dentist’s Chair

I am lucky not to have had to undertake these adventures because I am both a novelist and a dentist.The dentist’s profession enables him...

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«تعددت الاعتداءات والهدف «الكنيسة

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Christian Stores Burned in Southern Egypt after Muslim Girl Allegedly Sexually Assaulted

Violence flared again after Friday prayers, with witnesses saying...