
On Means and Ends

a constitution that will get a historic turn-out and approval rating, but will not have electoral legitimacy, because, well, it’s hard to claim it...

Salafists Are the Wild Card of Egypt’s Referendum

The extent to which Salafists participate in the referendum may have longer-term implications, however. High Salafist turnout would suggest an embrace of the Nour...

Egypt’s Draft Constitution: Neither Theocratic Nor Secular

Politics without the Muslim Brotherhood 

The new constitutional document has reflected the balance of power in the constituent assembly and in the post-Morsi political...

The Holy Land’s Endangered Christians

In May, the Pontiff will have a chance to witness those tears firsthand in Jordan, Israel and the West Bank when he becomes the...

Brotherhood Crisis in Egypt Alters Political Thinking in the Middle East

We are now seeing signs that different parts of the movement are, predictably, drawing radically different lessons from their Egyptian fiasco.Most striking is the...

The Second Article of the Constitution Remains Problematic

The most contentious issue is the dominance of Shari'a. The pre-1971 constitutions did not mention Shari'a, which was inserted by Sadat to appease the...

Egypt’s Draft Constitution 2014: Focus on De-Islamization, Expansion of Military Power

A referendum approval of the new draft constitution will be considered a vote of confidence in Al-Sisi and his road map.The new draft constitution...

The Middle East’s Disappearing Borders

The article is among a recent crop of stories that have taken the Obama administration’s triumphant declarations of success against al-Qaeda from the category...

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